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John Joseph Turned Off By GMOs And CODEX

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, January 4th, 2011 in Authors, Food & Drink, Nutrition-Health-Fitness.

John Joseph. Photo: Punkhouse

John Joseph. Photo: Punkhouse

John Joseph has shared he’s no fan of GMOs.

Now, in an interview with Washington Times, the Meat is For Pussies author has a lot more to say about genetically modified foods and the Code.

The Code is not lingo for how you should be eating, but CODEX, which stands for Codex Alimentarius, a collection of standards recognized by the World Trade Organization on how food should be labeled, prepared and handled for safety reasons.

As of now, CODEX is not required, but many countries have adopted its recommendations, such as the irradiation of produce to kill e. coli, salmonella and other pathogens. Yes, it’s a potentially illness and even life saving procedure, but at what cost for future health?

Currently, foods that have been irradiated must be labeled in the United States. Here are a few of Joseph’s thoughts on food safety.

On GMOs:
“First off there just haven’t been enough studies conducted on the long term safety of the foods on the public because really it hasn’t been around all that long. What if all the crops failed after a certain amount of years?- what if after 3 generations of eating mostly GM foods we start to see irreversible problems?- these are things we just don’t know. We’re already seeing issues with GM crop failures. Also other GMO companies have come out and said that their aim is to control the food system from seed to table. I just think monopolies are never good and it’s just scary to think about anyone having a monopoly over seeds.”


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“Jersey Shore” Vinny Guadagnino Gives Sister Vegan Gift Certificate

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, January 4th, 2011 in Actors, Food & Drink, Reality TV.

Snooki may not have a clue about where tofu comes from, but Vinny Guadagnino knows what to get a vegan for Christmas.

The “Jersey Shore” star was reported to have given his vegan sister a gift certificate to an all-vegan food store.

The Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa season may be over, but there’s always Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and birthdays just around the corner. If you’re getting a gift for a veg-head, you may want to consider choosing from the following items presented here by Vegetarian Star, affordable for any regular person who doesn’t make $30,000 per episode like the Jersey Shore cast does.


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Jorge Garcia Eats Vegetarian Sloppy Joes For New Year’s

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, January 4th, 2011 in Actors, Food & Drink.

Jorge Garcia

Jorge Garcia

Who says a New Year’s celebration is not the same without cheeseburger mini-sliders?

Jorge Garcia, former “Lost” actor who went vegetarian for animal rights, took to his blog to show off pictures of his vegetarian sloppy joe mix that he finished off with churros and wine.

“New Years at our house is usually pretty quiet. Dinner is always Sloppy Joe’s and Tater Tots. But this past New Year’s Eve night we made two batches of Joe. Because I had mine meatless.”

Can you tell from the picture which one is Jorge’s?


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Brandy Norwood Going Vegan In 2011

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, January 4th, 2011 in Female Singers, Food & Drink, Nutrition-Health-Fitness, Research + Science.

Brandy Norwood

Brandy Norwood

Brandy Norwood (singer Brandy) has been rumored to be vegetarian, but according to a feature in US Magazine on celebrity New Year’s resolutions, Brandy is thinking of taking her diet a step further and give up eggs and dairy. Again.

“Just being healthier,” Brandy said. “I’m going to try to go back to being a vegan.”

Sounds as if she’s been down this path before.

If a diet change involving animal products is your New Year’s resolution, you may want to do it, excuse the pun, “cold turkey,” according to Reid Hester, director of research at Behavior Therapy Associates.


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Candy Crowley On The Political Future Of Meat (Video)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Monday, January 3rd, 2011 in Journalists, TV Hosts, Videos.

Candy Crowley

Candy Crowley

Candy Crowley is a CNN political correspondent and anchor of State of the Union with Candy Crowley.

Her last meat consumption took place during coverage of George H.W. Bush’s election campaign. She ate a piece of venison from a Southern restaurant, said there was “just something about how the meat looked” and never ate animal flesh again.

Crowley has an interview with Vegetarian Times in the January/February 2011 issue, where she discussed the impact of politics on food, such as Michelle Obama‘s push for healthier school lunches.

“I can’t see meat eating going out of style, but over time, things do change. I just came across a great story about a guy who sets up farmers’ markets in inner cities. You find all these mothers thrilled to have something accessible and good to eat.”

A clip showing Crowley during State of the Union can be viewed below.


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Ginnifer Goodwin

Ginnifer Goodwin

“I would assume that it helps, in that I consider myself an extremely healthy person. But I know that’s sort of contradictory to the fact that you go to the South and all vegetables are deep-fried! I really did go through a period when I was very little when I remember realizing that vegetables did not come out of the ground deep-fried.”

“I changed my eating habits in fourth grade because I was a heavy little girl, and I was unhappy. And I remember my mom making dinner for me the first night that I was on this new program, and I burst out crying because the vegetables were green, and I thought she was trying to starve me to death.”

Ginnifer Goodwin, to CNN on how being from the South affected her learning to live healthy. It’s one thing to know where veggies come from–another to learn how to cook them properly! That’s why we recommend reading Rodale’s 5 Ways to Cook Vegetables without Losing Their Nutrients.


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John Salley is starring in a brand new PSA produced by the Physicians Committee For Responsible Medicine that encourages a plant-based, vegan diet to prevent and treat diabetes, “Block Diabetes.”

According to Salley in the PSA, 1 out of 3 children will develop Type 2 diabetes in their lifetime.

The PCRM conducted a study, along with George Washington University and the University of Toronto with funding from the National Institutes of Health and the Diabetes Action Research and Education Foundation, which found patients with Type 2 Diabetes had better improved blood sugar levels, lost more weight, and improved cholesterol levels more when they followed a vegan diet than when they followed one suggested by the American Diabetes Association’s (ADA’s) guidelines, which allows meat and dairy in certain amounts.


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Leslie Alexander

Leslie Alexander

Houston Rockets owner Leslie Alexander wants to create an animal cruelty offender registry similar to what exists for sex offenders.

“A predator is a predator, if it’s against a human or it’s against an animal,” said Alexander, a vegetarian who’s found creative ways to promote animal welfare through the Rockets, which include serving vegetarian meals to the media, having the team’s dance squad wear ‘Animals Have Rights’ t-shirts and prohibiting the use of an animal shaped pinata during game promotions.

Although the proposal hasn’t been filed yet, four Houston lawmakers plan to do so soon, including Democratic Senate Criminal Justice Committee Chairman John Whitmire, Republican Sen. Joan Huffman, Democratic Rep. Senfronia Thompson and Republican Rep. Beverly Woolley.


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