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Chris Martin

If you didn’t give a roasted seitan about what celebrities do, you probably wouldn’t be reading this post.

The organizers of Climate Week realize that if people like Gwyneth Paltrow put up a story about composting poop on Goop, a trend will soon follow. That’s why they commissioned Millward Brown, a brand research consultancy, to use its “Cebra” (celebrity-brand) index to survey people to see which celebrities carry the greatest influence in inciting fans to act on saving the environment.

“We are often told that we are living in the “age of celebrity”. Yes, it’s an utterly depressing thought, but some believe we should exploit this collective obsession by putting to good use the mighty influence many celebrities wield,” writes The Guardian. “The reason is simple: many people – whether they admit it or not – look up to celebrities.”

And it may be even more utterly depressing to think of “scientific survey” and “celebrity” used in the same sentence, but let’s take a look at what Millward Brown did and found.


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Aldo Zilli Launches “Baby Zilli” Organic Baby Food Line

Written by Vegetarian Star on Friday, January 14th, 2011 in Chefs, Children, Food & Drink.

Baby Zilli by Aldo Zilli

Vegetarian restaurant owner and green celebrity chef Aldo Zilli has launched a line of organic baby food products, available at UK supermarkets. Baby Zilli just hit the shelves at Tesco and will debut at Waitrose later this month before making its way to Ocado in February and then nationwide.

The products are divided into four ranges: Stage 1–from 4 months on, Stage 2–from 6 months on, Stage 3–from 9 months on, and Brekkie–all ages from 6 months on.


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Jessica Simpson Improving Vegan Cooking Skills

Written by Vegetarian Star on Friday, January 14th, 2011 in Actresses, Books, Female Singers, Food & Drink.

Jessica Simpson

Jessica Simpson is getting more vegan the closer to the date she marries fiance Eric Johnson.

After Tweeting about trying the diet for a weekend, eating Earth Balance non-dairy butter and her Thanksgiving experience with tofu turkey, the pop singer is reportedly now trying to improve her cooking skills with vegan cookbooks and picking up vegan entrees at Madeline Bistro in Tarzana, California.


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Barilla Pasta Goes Cage-Free With Some Eggs

Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, January 13th, 2011 in Animal Issues, Business, Food & Drink.

Barilla Pasta

Barilla Pasta has announced it’s switching to cage-free eggs for 45% of its eggs by the end of 2011, Treehugger reports.

A cage-free environment allows the hen to do many of its natural behaviors, such as nesting and spreading wings, and therefore is said to lessen stress on the animal. Just imagine yourself not being able to scratch that area or, ahem, adjust yourself when the moment is right because you share space so cramped with other humans.


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Russell Simmons "Super Rich"

Russell Simmons has released a book, Super Rich, an inspirational guide about finding wealth in both the spiritual and financial markets.

The vegan business mogul recently Tweeted to inspire his Twitter followers, asking them, “What would you do if you were Super Rich?”

One follower responded with, “I’m well on my way to being #superrich because I’m saving so many precious and innocent animals by not eating meat!!! :)”

The vegetarian financial plan not only saves animals, but also the environment. One study concluded that $20 million of the costs of fighting climate change could be saved in terms of reducing greenhouse gases and making use of land used for animal agriculture. It was estimated these changes would also lessen the need for energy saving technologies, such as clean coal.

And in terms of human health costs, the savings estimates are in the billions.


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“Tegan The Vegan” At Flickerfest Film Festival (Video)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, January 13th, 2011 in Children, Film & TV, Food & Drink, Videos.

Tegan The Vegan is short film about a 12-year old girl who decides to go vegan and is faced with hostility from her friends and family for it.

The film has been selected for Flickerfest, Australia’s only Academy Award credited short film festival, which is going on this week. Tegan The Vegan will play on Sunday, January 16th at 2:30 PM in Sydney.

“It’s the story of someone who’s a bit different and is trying to make her way in the world with that difference and stand up for herself,” film maker Marisa Martin said.

The trailer is shown above and a behind the scenes video about its making can be viewed below.


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Mike Tyson

“The first thing I ever loved in my life was a pigeon. I don’t know why…I feel ridiculous trying to explain it. Pigeons are a part of my life. It’s a constant with my sanity in a weird way; this is just what I do. If I’m lucky enough to die an old man, I’m going to have birds.”

Mike Tyson, who’s starring in an Animal Planet series about pigeon racing, “Taking On Tyson,” which premieres March 6th. Some animal rights activists have criticized pigeon racing, as it requires birds to be given antibiotics for illnesses and race in adverse weather.

How do you feel about this? Should Mike Tyson show the birds love by instead donating to a bird charity or opening up a sanctuary?

Photo: PR Photos

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Kate Middleton Enjoys Vegetarian Margherita Pizza As Favorite

Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, January 13th, 2011 in Business, Food & Drink, Restaurants.

Kate Middleton

Kate Middleton is about to become royalty, but her favorite snack is an ordinary vegetarian supermarket pizza!

US Magazine reports Middleton enjoys a store-bought, margherita pizza from Pizza Express, a UK chain of pizza restaurants founded in the 60s that also offers the grocery store version of their favorite pies.


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