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Bree Olson

One of Charlie Sheen‘s “goddesses,” also known as his two girlfriends who reside in his home, is a proud vegan.

Which tickles us pink, knowing that Fort Wayne, Indiana native Rachel, known by her, cough,cough “adult” star name as Bree Olson, is probably feeding little Charlie and her co-girlfriend Nat, well.


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Susan Levin From PCRM Discusses Power Plate (Video)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, March 8th, 2011 in Food & Drink, Nutrition-Health-Fitness.

If you’re picking up a copy of Dr. Neal Barnard’s latest vegan diet book, 21-Day Weight Loss Kickstart, you will probably find yourself following the nutritional guidelines recommended by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, the group Dr. Barnard founded.

PCRM has introduced the Power Plate, a set of guidelines like the USDA’s food pyramid, only this one consists of eating from four food groups: grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables.

Susan Levin, M.S., R.D, is the nutrition education director for the PCRM and she’s shown here demonstrating the group derived the plate shape and a little history of the U.S. government’s categorization of food groups from the in 1900s to today.

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Waka Flocka Flame

After learning how animals are killed for food, Waka Flocka Flame gave up more than his clothes like he did for his recent PETA PSA against fur.

In an exclusive, behind the scenes video with PETA, Waka says he doesn’t even eat red meat anymore, citing the treatment of animals for food as one of his reasons.

Lent is approaching, and many are considering giving up what they consider pleasurable foods such as chocolate and meat. If they continued giving up animals products long after the holiday is over, what are some benefits they might gain?

Medical benefits range from the bones to the bowels.

Here are a few reasons to give up red meat like Waka, from The Independent.

Bowel Cancer: People who eat several portions of meat per week are 30% more likely to develop bowel cancer than those who eat less than one portion per week.

Alzheimer’s Disease: Researchers at University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) suggest red meat may cause a buildup of Iron in the brain. To make a long story short, your brain gets rusty.


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Pamela Anderson

Pamela Anderson is known for giving props to local food when visiting a country, and her recent visit to Tel Aviv was no different.

The actress was welcomed by several animal rights activists carrying tombstones that read, “Thou Shall Not Kill Animals.”

“There are a lot of really great animal rights [activists] here, really good, sympathetic people and I think they’re making a lot of progress even with passing this fur bill, which is a landmark bill and it’s very important for the rest of the world,” Anderson told The Jerusalem Post. “It just seems like everyone is very passionate [in Israel]. There’s not a lot of small talk – people really talk about important things and it’s really incredible the people that I’ve met. We have great conversations.”


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The vegan heat on The Ellen DeGeneres show got even hotter as Ellen hosted Mike Tyson recently.

Tyson discussed the death of his daughter, his sobriety and his new body after going vegan.

Before and after shots are shown of Mike’s body before his lost almost 100 pounds.

Ellen: “I am vegan as well. I heard that you are vegan.”
Mike: “Two years. It’s an awesome feeling.”


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Miranda Kerr Was Born To Eat Less Meat?

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, March 8th, 2011 in Food & Drink, Models, Nutrition-Health-Fitness.

Miranda Kerr

Miranda Kerr is known for being a green, eco-hero, but could it be her body type was born to make that easier?

The actress was quoted by Female First as saying she follows a diet that recommends eating according to one’s blood type. Since she’s a type A, it is supposedly better for her to eat fruits, vegetables and less meat.

“I am a blood type A and more often than not I eat specifically for my blood type. I also eat low GI, high alkaline foods, drink filtered water and eat mostly fresh produce and very little meat.”

“I believe it is important to supplement our food to ensure our bodies have the nutrition required to remain healthy. This is even more important if you do not eat certified organic foods and certified organic fresh produce.”

The diet, created by Dr. Peter D’Adamo, sounds great if you’re Kerr’s type, but does that mean the 56% and 69% of people in the United States who have type O or type B are doomed to beef and chicken?


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Steve-O Has Vegan Breakfast And Lunch Covered

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, March 8th, 2011 in Actors, Comedians, Food & Drink, Nutrition-Health-Fitness.


If Steve-O wanted to start writing his own vegan cookbook, he’d already have two recipes that would knock his fans’ socks off.

His ideas for breakfast and lunch were shared with The Edmonton Journal, and they’re definitely suited for the simple cook in all of us.

“Generally in the morning I make a mixture of whole grain cereal with almond milk and a slice of banana on it. And about once a day I’ll eat a whole pack of Tofurky. I love that stuff, man. I’ll just eat it right out of the pack with mustard.”


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Mark Bittman Does 12 Days Of Vegetable Soup Recipes

Written by Vegetarian Star on Monday, March 7th, 2011 in Food & Drink, Recipes.

Mark Bittman

Mark Bittman believes all soups fall into four categories: Creamy, Brothy, Earthy and Hearty.

By referring to a soup’s category, it’s easy to swap ingredients to create dozens of soups from one basic recipe, something Bittman demonstrates in his New York Times column.

All are vegetarian. Most are vegan. All look incredibly delicious from the photographs.


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