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Alicia Silverstone “Women’s Health” Interview Reveals Other Cheat

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, March 22nd, 2011 in Actresses, Food & Drink.

Those who follow the dirt on Alicia Silverstone knows she’s committed some infidelity in her life.

Like that one time she totally went behind vegan cheese’s back and had a sample of real cheese at party.

While staunch vegans roll their eyes and dismiss her as yet another flaky celebrity who makes a bad name for the lifestyle, her latest cheating revelation may actually be good for pushing people toward more plant-based meals.

During an interview with Women’s Health, Silverstone admitted that every once in awhile she gets the urge to be a pescatarian.


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Despite being “kicked out of school,” Jamie Oliver has successfully completed filming season 2 of his Food Revolution show. After the Los Angeles Unified School District refused to let him into any of their cafeterias, Oliver, being the feather ruffling genius that he is, continued his mission of revamping diets of some of the poorest families in the city with his mobile food truck and other antics.

Will it work? It probably won’t be easy.

As one woman in the preview mentions, “It is easier to get a gun, crack, or a prostitute in a lot of areas in Los Angeles before you can get a tomato.”


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Vegan Bryan Adams Receives Hollywood Walk Of Fame Star

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, March 22nd, 2011 in Food & Drink, Male Musicians, Male Singers.

Vegan musician and singer Bryan Adams was honored with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame recently.

Adams has produced radio friendly hits such as “Cut Like a Knife,” “Summer of ’69,” and “Run to You.”

He’s also been a strong figure in the vegetarian and vegan movement.


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Dita Von Teese has always maintained she’s not going all out veggie.

And on an even more sour note, she told PETA she wasn’t about to advocate giving up fur when she offered to star in a PSA about spaying and neutering pets.


At least has not problem sharing her joy for vegetarian food when she’s eating it.


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Hard to imagine a year in America without football season, but if players and owners can’t come to an agreement, we might say kiss off to kick-off.

And that may be good for chickens and the environment.

According to NFL Lockout, each NFL city could potentially lose $160 million dollars and 115 thousand jobs would be affected if football season is cancelled.

One of those businesses involves chicken wings.


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“Relationships are complex things and to hinge them on just one aspect doesn’t make them any easier. In this world there are perfectly wonderful people who eat meat and then there are some unpleasant people who are vegan. What is most important if you’re a vegan dating an omnivore is that this person is respectful of your lifestyle choices. And if they’re millionaires and gorgeous, more power to you.”

Terry Hope Romero, vegan Latin food queen and author of several vegan cookbooks, including Viva Vegan!, Vegan Cupcakes Invade Your Cookie Jar and Veganomicon.

No, not not every vegan is opposed to loving a meat eater. Some even recommend it, as there’s opportunity to share the food in your world with someone who normally wouldn’t be exposed to it.

Still not comfortable making the pizza half veggie and half meat with your lover? There are numerous vegetarian and vegan dating sites online.


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We don’t have any doubts why United and not Continental has the slogan “Fly The Friendly Skies.” There was nothing friendly about the event that took place on a Newark bound flight when a woman did not receive a vegetarian meal she found suitable.

Maybe Continental should make its slogan, “If it has a face, throw it in our face.”


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Megyn Price Feeds Vegetarian Family Members With Backyard Garden

Written by Vegetarian Star on Monday, March 21st, 2011 in Actresses, Food & Drink, Gardening.

Rules of Engagement actress Megyn Price feeds her family of mixed eaters from the garden in her backyard.

Price told Celebrity Baby Scoop: “We grow whatever’s in season, and as much as our garden will hold! I love to preserve foods as well, so I never mind if we have a bumper crop of anything. I’ve gone so overboard with arugula, that we have a wild patch now, covering our hillside. We’ve got the happiest bunnies in Southern California!”

Price told CNN’s Eatocracy that her family is made of vegetarians and non-vegetarians, so she’s learned to cook accordingly, especially during the Holidays.

“In my house, we have half vegetarians and half meat eaters,” she said.


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