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It was a very special Earth Day on The Price Is Right recently. Host Drew Carey featured items designed by Elizabeth Olsen, founder of vegan shoe company Olsen Haus Pure Vegan.

Contestants had to guess the price of a collection of Olens’ items: six shoes, two wallets and one handbag.


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After several successful screenings in select cities, Forks over Knives, the documentary that examines how major diseases facing most Americans today can be prevented with a plant-based diet, will hit theaters officially on May 6.

The film follows Dr. T. Colin Campbell and Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn as they encounter several patients who make the switch to a plant-based diet and see their health improve.

Visit the film’s site to find a theater near you where Forks over Knives is playing.

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Yotam Ottolenghi Apologizes For Fishy Vegetarian Comment

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, April 26th, 2011 in Celebrity Tweets, Chefs, Food & Drink.


Yotam Ottolenghi told the New York Times, “Vegetarians in general don’t like me.”

Well, what’s not to like about the 40-something chef who’s recently released a cookbook dedicated entirely to vegetables and wrote a column for The Guardian titled, “The New Vegetarian” for four years?

Oh, yeah. He gave everybody permission to call themselves “vegetarian” when he said there were no boundaries anymore.

Since that comment generated a lot of bad publicity from the veg community, including the UK Vegetarian Society, he’s backed down. But he still doesn’t understand what he did wrong.


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PETA VP Bruce Friedrich On Humane Animal Products

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, April 26th, 2011 in Animal Issues, Food & Drink.

PETA’s Vice President of Policy and Government Affairs Bruce Friedrich recently battled against some members of the debate team at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States. The MIT event discussed the ethics of eating meat.

Often during this type of conversation, the idea is brought up as to whether or not it’s possible to have “humane” animal products. While meat is pretty much ruled out, certain foods that don’t involve the animal’s flesh, such as eggs and dairy are often used in the argument that an omnivore can eat humanely.

Friedrich says this can only be done with one animal product. But you’ll never find this product in the stores.


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Nicole Lapin

If you’re heading out to the Tribeca Film Festival that’s taking place in Manhattan until May 1, you might be lucky enough to catch of glimpse of Nicole Lapin, an anchor for CNBC’s Worldwide Exchange, the only global show on the network. This amazing journalist who attended Harvard University at the age of 15 and graduated at the top of her class at Northwestern, has covered everything from the 2008 presidential election to the Humane Society’s efforts to keep downer pigs out of the food supply.

Lapin’s schedule with the festival is keeping her pretty busy, but she found time to answer a few questions for Vegetarian Star in an exclusive two-part interview. Here’s part 1.

Tell us more about what you’re doing with the Tribeca film festival this year and how you were approached to be a juror.
I am convinced I snuck my way in. It’s definitely the best type of jury duty I’ve ever done.

Your family is Israeli so you obviously must have grown up eating a lot of Mediterranean and other ethnic foods. It’s been said that many other cultures have diets that are naturally healthier because they are heavily based on grains, legumes and vegetables instead of meat. What were some of your favorite plant-based foods you ate growing up even before you became a vegetarian?
A lot of colorful chopped salads. The staple, of course, is cucumbers, onions and tomato salad with just lemon, salt and pepper as dressing. But then, I have a great nostalgia for cumin cucumber salad and minced eggplant. When my grandfather used to visit, he used to use the salsa bar at Mexican restaurants as a salad bar. I used to think it was weird that he ate a bowl of pico de gallo– but that’s more traditional Mediterranean than any lettuce-based salad. And, oh how it’s come full-circle, I’m that girl at Whole Foods that buys the fresh salsa by the tub…And, um, no chips!


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On Wednesday, April 27, Dr. Oz will share the stage with several other doctors–all known for advocating a vegan diet for good health.

Joining Oz for his special vegan episode will be Dr. T. Colin Campbell, Caldwell Esselstyn, MD, and Neal Barnard, MD. Rip Esselstyn, son of Dr. Esselstyn, author of The Engine 2 Diet and firefighter who convinced his station to go vegan to solve many of their health problems, will also be present.

Two years ago, Oz featured a meat-loving cowboy named Rocco who embarked on a 28-day vegan diet. Rocco lost 6 inches from his waist, reduced his blood sugar from dangerously high to almost completely normal and raised his good HDL cholesterol levels.

A preview of Wednesday’s show can be viewed below.


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Gwyneth Paltrow disgusted her vegetarian fans when she, a former strict macrobiotic vegan, gradually put meat back into her diet and filled her website Goop.com with recipes for fish, chicken and Thanksgiving turkey burgers.

Luckily, her daughter Apple isn’t interested in following in mom’s footsteps, and declared at a very early age to hold the turkey and replace it with tofu.


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Jane Velez-Mitchell On E6 Cattle Investigation (Video)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Monday, April 25th, 2011 in Animal Issues, Journalists, TV Hosts, Videos.

Jane Velez-Mitchell recently featured a segment on Headline News about the discovery of animal cruelty on the E6 Cattle company farm in Texas.

Nathan Runkle, founder of Mercy For Animals, the organization which performed the undercover investigation, is a guest.

“The reality is that this facility had no animal welfare policy or training and there is a complete lack of oversight,” Runkle said.


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