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Alyssa Milano

Pregnant veg ladies, you can now breathe a sigh of relief knowing one of your favorite vegetarian actresses is not giving into any meat cravings while she’s with child.

Alyssa Milano says her diet hasn’t changed since she became pregnant.


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Kathy Freston Vegan Ingredient Swap List

Written by Vegetarian Star on Friday, May 6th, 2011 in Authors, Food & Drink.

Kathy Freston "Veganist"

Vegans, how many times have you heard the question, “But how do you make [insert food item] without [insert animal product]?”

If we all got a dollar for every time we had to answer, we might be able to buy out the meat industry!

Kathy Freston knows this question will never end, so she’s kindly posted a few of her suggestions for meat, cheese, eggs and every animal product in book.


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“I have to say, I’m pretty blown away by these apps. Over 2000 recipes, timers, menu tips, charts, handy illustrations. But this app is less about technology — it’s just a cookbook in a new form. It doesn’t change the way you cook. It changes the way you look at recipes.”

“For me, the real question is: does it bring more people to cooking? If it does, wonderful. If it doesn’t, maybe it’s just a fad. But it’s way too early to say. We need to give it another 5 years or so. Really give people a chance to figure out how to use these things in the kitchen. These apps have the potential to make people’s lives easier.”

Mark Bittman, on his new How To Cook Everything Vegetarian app, now available from iTunes for $4.99. Can apps bring more people to the kitchen? They make it a lot easier to build a collection of recipes and books that offer cooking instructions without taking up shelves in the kitchen. In addition to Bittman’s app, don’t forget to check out other vegetarian and vegan cooking apps.

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Robin Wright Wants Her Vegan Meals In 30 Minutes Or Less

Written by Vegetarian Star on Friday, May 6th, 2011 in Actresses, Books, Food & Drink.

Robin Wright

Not even pizza delivery guys can promise a quick meal at your doorstep anymore, but Robin Wright would at least like a vegan dinner that doesn’t take all day to cook.

Woody Harrelson is known for impressing his co-stars on film sets with vegan food, but when he tried to convince his Rampart co-star to eat what his personal chef cooked, she complained the food took too long to make.


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Planeat Movie

A new film detailing three men in their quest for the ultimate diet that will save humans and the planet has been created and is currently screening in select locations in the U.S. and the UK.

Planeat follows the journeys of Dr. T Colin Campbell, the author of The China Study, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, and Professor Gidon Eshel as it encourages people to “reduce their meat and dairy consumption, and be inspired by plant-based cuisine.”


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The Internet’s infamous nasty gossip blogger Perez Hilton is taking time off from his usual cattiness to say some really good things about what citizens in the U.S., especially those residing in states like Hilton’s birthplace in Florida, can do to help stop laws from passing that would make it illegal to film factory farm abuse while undercover.

Lawmakers in states like these have been influenced by officials in agriculture that are getting scared of what videos like the ones PETA and Mercy for Animals have routinely used to bring charges of animal cruelty against farm workers who blatantly violate animal welfare laws.

“Whether you’re a meat eater or a vegan, you can stand behind the humane treatment of animals in the meat trade,” Hilton says in the video. “There are now bills pending in several states–including Senate bill 1246 in my homestate of Florida, that would criminalize the filming of animals on factory farms. What are they trying to hide? Do these farms house famous animals like Miss Piggy and Babe and these laws just seek to protect them from the paparazzi?”


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Elisabetta Canalis PETA Photo Shoot Sneak Peek (Video)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, May 5th, 2011 in Actresses, Animal Issues, Videos.

Elisabetta Canalis‘ official anti-fur ad for PETA will launch this fall, but the animal rights group was kind enough to post this sneak peek video on its blog.

Canalis is seen baring all (so this may be a little NSFW-ish) when one of her adopted dogs, a miniature pincher, joins the scene. Her dogs may be the luckiest in the world, as Canalis told Cosmopolitan magazine she doesn’t plan on having any children and will instead devote “motherhood” time to her four-legged babies. “My maternal desires are fully satisfied with my dogs,” Canalis said.

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My NYC Biking Story: Sarinya Srisakul from Streetfilms on Vimeo.

She’s tough. She darts through traffic effortlessly, whether it’s on a bicycle or a big red truck. Her “hose” is probably bigger than yours. Did we also mention that Sarinya Srisakul, New York city’s first Asian-American female firefighter, is also a vegan?


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