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Stella McCartney Fashion Show - Celebrities

Sir Paul McCartney is scheduled to speak at a European Parliament hearing on December 3 2009 to discuss how eating less meat can fight global warming.

The Global Warming and Food Policy: Less Meat = Less Heat will feature both Paul and Dr. Rajendra K. Pachauri, Chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, urging legislators to encourage people to fight climate change, which includes eating less meat.

The hearing takes place from 10 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. in Parliament’s plenary chamber and will be chaired by Vice-President Edward McMillan-Scott.

A press conference featuring Paul and Dr. Pachauri will follow.

Hope the Parliament listens to the two notable speakers.

In 2006, the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization concluded that producing the world’s beef and pork generates 18% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions versus the 13% generated by all the world’s cars, planes, trains and boats.

via Beatles Examiner

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Al Gored Urged To Go Vegetarian For 30 Days

Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, November 12th, 2009 in Environment-Eco-Green, Food & Drink, Politicians.

Al Gore speaks about his latest book Our Choice in Washington

Relax, Al, they’re not asking you to give up something else for over a month.

Environmentalist Al Gore is being asked by PETA to go vegetarian for 30 days.

Today during one of the signing events for his latest book, Our Choice: A Plan to Solve the Climate Crisis, Gore is being met by an almost naked (of course) activist dressed as Mother Earth.

Don’t ever recall any of our mothers dressing that provocatively, but oh, well.

“More and more, we are hearing about the damage that meat production does to our water supply, the forests, and the global climate,” PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman said.

“In light of these reports, we are asking Mr. Gore simply to try going vegetarian for 30 days. During that time, he could save eight animals’ lives and maybe even his own!”

Gore has already reduced his meat intake and agrees that vegetarianism should be embraced more by those who have an interest in preserving the planet.

via contactmusic.com

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Daryl Hannah Or Ginnifer Goodwin–Who Would You

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, November 11th, 2009 in Actresses, Polls/Surveys, Who Would You.

Daryl Hannah and Ginnifer Goodwin are both showing some serious love for turkeys this Thanksgiving.

Ginnifer is the star of Farm Sanctuary’s Adopt-A-Turkey ad and says she fell in love with a turkey named Magnolia on the sanctuary grounds.

Daryl will be spending her Thanksgiving with turkeys at the Animal Acres Sanctuary this year, enjoying a vegan feast among her fair feathered friends.

Between the two turkey lovers, who would you rather…

2009 Environmental Media Awards 2009 Environmental Media Awards

Who Would You Rather Do Veggie Burger Lunch With?

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Mark Bittman Faux Ma Po Tofu Surprise (Recipe)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, November 11th, 2009 in Food & Drink, Recipes.

"Spain... On The Road Again" Television Series Launch

Mark Bittman, the vegan until dinner flexitarian advocate, recently discovered joy in creating Ma Po Tofu without the pork.

He described his experience in the New York Times:

“First I started a batch of the mixed grains. Then I slow-cooked about 20 of the peppercorns in oil (I was too lazy to grind them, another alternative), with three dried chiles. I removed them when the oil was fragrant (no one wants to bite on a peppercorn). Into that oil, I stirred about a quarter cup of the bean paste, which I realized for the first time is a cousin of miso.”

“I tasted the tofu thing, and added both soy sauce and salt. I scooped some grains in the dish – thanks to the black and brown rice and black sesame seeds they looked vaguely like pork (as it happened; no planning there, but I’m not lying either) – and topped it with the tofu mix. And the thing was so good I made it again two days later.”

Sounds like Mark learned being vegan at dinner’s not so bad either.

If you’re looking to attempt vegan ma po tofu, try this recipe any time of day.

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Ginnifer Goodwin Knows A Badass Goat

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, November 11th, 2009 in Actresses, Animal Issues.

A Single Man premiere held in Los Angeles

Ginnifer Goodwin has confirmed her Thanksgiving meal this year will be a Tofurky.

No surprise, considering she’s the spokesperson for Farm Sanctuary’s Adopt-A-Turkey program.

About her recent visit to the Watkins Glen, New York sanctuary, Ginnifer said, “I grew fairly attached to a turkey named Magnolia. And there’s a badass goat who likes to play good-natured butting-heads games with humans. I dug her.’’

Every veg needs a badass goat when trying to explain to the most bullheaded meat eater why humans aren’t necessarily designed to eat animals.

Don’t forget you can have your own badass turkey for only $25 through the Farm Sanctuary Adopt-A-Turkey program.

via boston.com

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Stella McCartney “Glamour Woman Of The Year” 2009

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, November 11th, 2009 in Fashion.

Glamour Magazine Honors The 2009 Women of the Year - Inside

Stella McCartney was one of 11 women named Glamour Woman of the Year this week.

Stella received the award for both her clothing enterprise and her work as a vegetarian and animal activist.

“I’ve never really paused,” she told Glamour. “If I had time to stop and think about what I was doing, I might have run for the hills!”

Glamour cites Stella as refusing to use leather and fur in her designs long before green and ethical became chic.

Other women of the year include Dr. Maya Angelou, Dr. Jane Aronson of Worldwide Orphans Foundation; journalists Laura Ling and Euna Lee held captive by North Korea and released; Marissa Mayer of Google; the One Million Signatures Campaign that calls for an end to gender inequality in Iran; comedian Amy Poehler; Susan Rice, the first female African American U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations; singer Rihanna; California First Lady Maria Shriver and tennis athlete Serena Williams.

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Daryl Hannah Vegan Thanksgiving Plan

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, November 11th, 2009 in Actresses, Animal Issues.

Environmental Media Awards 2009

How do you plan to spend Thanksgiving?

Tortured at a relative’s house eating side dishes because they always fail to accommodate you?

Making your own tofu turkey for the first time?

Daryl Hannah plans to spend the day with a few turkeys, and we don’t mean foolish people either.

She’ll be at Animal Acres Sanctuary in Acton, California.

“They do an Adopt a Turkey day — rather than slaughter a turkey you adopt a turkey and feed it, and they have a nice, big vegan dinner too.”

Animal Acres is home to chickens, cows, pigs and all sorts of critters, but did you know they can also pronounce you husband and wife (or husband and husband or wife and wife).

That’s right, there’s no need for Vegas, because you can get married at Animal Acres and receive the assistance of their staff for set up and clean up, recommendation for vegan caterers and even a sanctuary tour.

If you choose the goat to be the best man, they cannot mediate family disputes.

via mnn.com

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Weezer “Raditude” Makes Us Wonder About Rivers Cuomo

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, November 11th, 2009 in Bands, Food & Drink.

Weezer "Raditude"

Weezer "Raditude"

Weezer has new album out, Raditude, and we think it sets a very bad example for the love sick vegetarian fool.

The song, (If You’re Wondering If I Want You To) I Want You To, (as if the long winded-ness of that title wasn’t enough), has some poor dude eating meat in hopes he’ll get to some base with his girl.

“I took you to Best Buy, you took me home to meet your Mom and Dad
Your Mom cooked meatloaf even though I don’t eat meat
I dug you so much, I took some for the team”


This we learn after reading a Tweet describing Rivers Cuomo‘s amazement at veggie burger technology.

We’re wondering if Cuomo sat quietly like a veggie pus and actually ate meat during a date with an omnivore before.

All we can hope for is during the next dinner date, the “If you’re wondering,” guy made an announcement he’d just turned vegetarian.

And that this flying dog voluntarily played hurdle track star for the cover.

Raditutde features a singing collaboration with Lil Wayne (Can’t Stop) and songwriting input from The All American Rejects, Jermaine Dupree and Jackknife Lee.

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