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Bob Harper Exclusive Interview With Farm Sanctuary (Video)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, September 22nd, 2010 in Animal Issues, Food & Drink, Reality TV, Videos.

Bob Harper is the 2010 spokesperson for Farm Sanctuary’s Walk for Animals, which spans across 78 cities in the U.S. and even includes a virtual “no walk” walk. The Biggest Loser coach’s popularity has certainly helped Farm Sanctuary’s cause, as well as draw attention to the welfare of farm animals and the vegetarian and vegan lifestyle. In an exclusive interview with Farm Sanctuary, Harper discusses how growing up on a cattle farm made cows his favorite farm animal, his views on modern farming and how going vegan has changed his life.

Growing Up On A Cattle Farm In Tennessee:
“I have to tell you that because I grew up on this cattle farm it was just the way of life then. On the farm I grew up on the cows were treated relatively respectfully. They had pastures, they lived a good quality of life, of course until their death. To me there was more compassion back then because now … the thing that really pains me … is that these factory farms are just treating these animals like they’re light fixtures, like they’re not real and don’t have blood running through them. It’s just shocking to me.”


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Slice Of Vegan Celebrity Birthday Cake To (Drum Roll)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, September 22nd, 2010 in Birthdays, Female Musicians, Female Singers.

A big slice of vegan birthday cake goes out to the following vegetarian or vegan celebrities today.

Photo: PR Photos

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The ad sponsored by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine linking McDonald’s to heart disease by showing a dead man in a morgue with a hamburger in his hand has sparked a lot of discussion, particularly among those that may not feel vegetarianism is necessary for health or that the fast food giant alone isn’t responsible for the mass epidemic of health problems.

So says Rachael Ray, who recently chimed in her thoughts to Joy Behar on HLN. Ray has confidence that many people would walk right past the golden arches if they only had enough change in their pockets to purchase healthier options. Therefore, it’s not about just wiping McDonald’s off the planet, but giving people the resources to choose better.

“It’s our problem as a country to make good food more affordable and more accessible to everyone,” Ray tells Behar.

Hear the rest of Ray’s thoughts and her suggestions for taking strides for better health in the video of the interview below.


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Ricky Williams has been asked to promote a line of wellness products for children and adults by SPO Medical Inc. and Brewer Sports International (BSI). The SPO Wellness line includes accessories such as a heart rate monitor and performance monitor wrist band.

A press release for the collaboration cites Williams’ healthy vegetarian diet as another bonus to his athletic fame.

“A healthy body, mind and spirit are the reasons I’ve been able to have longevity as a professional football player,” Williams said. “My philosophy regarding a healthy lifestyle can and should apply to everyone in our society. When you eat healthy, get adequate exercise and rest you are far more productive.”


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"The American Dragon" Bryan Danielson, aka. Daniel Bryan

"The American Dragon" Bryan Danielson, aka. Daniel Bryan. Credit-ShawnSavior on Wikimedia Commons

Daniel Bryan, the vegan poster boy of the WWE, has defeated “The Miz” to win the title of WWE U.S. Champion

Bryan was temporarily removed from the WWE several months ago, and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals wrote a letter to the Chairman and CEO of World Wrestling Entertainment, asking him to reinstate Bryan.

In the letter, the group emphasized that Bryan saves more than 100 animals a year by eating a vegan diet. If you think that’s impressive, you’ll be even happier to know that just by going vegetarian, it’s estimated you’ll save half of that number.

In the meantime, his opponent is still trying to save face.

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Who says vegetarians miss out on omega-3 fatty acids because the don’t eat fish?

Rachael Ray recently featured HIP snacks as the “Snack of the Day” on her show. HIP features a Chocolate HIP cookie, that is rich in vegetarian sources of omega-3s, along with nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, iron and anti-oxidants.

HIP Snacks, along with HIP World Foods, were originally created to fund Hip4Kids Inc., a non-profit program designed to teach kids about healthier eating. Founded a decade ago, Hip4Kids aimed to prevent childhood obesity and Type II diabetes.

The omega-3 in HIP cookies is obtained from Salvia Hispanica L., a chia grain that is also high in fiber.

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Moby Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary

Moby Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary

Is summer officially over? Yeah, but when you’ve got a vegan rocker as hot as Moby, it can last as long as you want.

The musician will be playing a benefit concert for Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary on Saturday, September 25th, 2010. Doors open at 4:45 PM and the show starts at 5:30 PM.

Moby comes as part of the sanctuary’s acoustic concert series and will be supported by opening act Kelli Scarr.

Oh, yeah. And you will need food. How does grilled Field Roast veggie sausages, drinks and other goodies sound?

For more information and to purchase tickets, visit WoodstockSanctuary.org.

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Slice Of Vegan Celebrity Birthday Cake To (Drum Roll)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, September 21st, 2010 in Actresses, Birthdays, TV Hosts.

A big slice of vegan birthday cake goes out to the following vegetarian or vegan celebrities today.

Photo: PR Photos

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