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Temple Grandin Discusses Measuring Animal Welfare

Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, February 10th, 2011 in Animal Issues, Farming.

Temple Grandin

Temple Grandin isn’t always revered in the vegetarian and animal activist community because she’s a partner with the animal agriculture business. She’s helped designed slaughterhouses.

But Grandin’s goal is to make conditions less stressful on the animals, and until we’re churning out test tube meat or the entire world go veg, Grandin’s work will continue to make an incredible difference in the treatment animals receive until their death.


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While being interviewed by the NBC Today Show, Weird Al Yankovic shared his recipe for a Twinkie hot dog.

This dish involves taking a Twinkie and slicing it in half, then placing a tofu pup in the middle and topping with your favorite toppings. Go throw up now. But come right back and finish reading.

Although some tout the weight loss benefits of a Twinkie diet, the yellow submarine is full of sugar, high fructose corn syrup, dyes and other preservative items that one person found so interesting, he photographed all 37 ingredients in it so viewers could play a matching game to figure out which one is which.



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James Cromwell Narrates “Farm To Fridge” (Video)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, February 10th, 2011 in Actors, Animal Issues, Food & Drink, Videos.

James Cromwell

Actor James Cromwell has lent his voice to a new film produced by animal rights group Mercy For Animals, Farm To Fridge.

The film gives viewers an inside look at farms where animals are raised for food. Although brief–only 12 minutes in length–Farm To Fridge is able to examine the cruelty involved in a variety of animal agriculture, including beef, pork, egg, dairy, poultry and seafood.

MFA used footage it obtained from undercover investigations. This is the same group that uncovered the cruelty that took place at the Ohio dairy farm, Conklin, where a worker was charged with 12 counts of animal cruelty after seen punching, stomping and beating cows on tape.

“James was our first choice to narrate the film,” MFA Founder and Executive Director Nathan Runkle told VegNews in an interview. “In addition to being an Academy Award-nominee and seasoned actor, he is an ethical vegan, a dedicated, sincere, and passionate animal-rights advocate, and has an incredibly impactful voice. We approached James about this project and he eagerly jumped on board. We are so thrilled and grateful to be partnering with him.”

Farm To Fridge can be viewed below.


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Steve Wynn Brings Tal Ronnen On Board For Menu Revamp

Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, February 10th, 2011 in Business, Chefs, Food & Drink, Restaurants.

Wynn Las Vegas

The already vegan-friendly Wynn Las Vegas will be getting a veggie face-lift, as Steve Wynn has invited vegan chef Tal Ronnen to join the hotel’s culinary team.

After going vegan, the casino mogul put several vegan items on the menus at each of his restaurants. He also distributed a DVD copy of the film that inspired him to do so, Eating, to all of his employees. In addition, Wynn’s will was modified to include the Humane Society as a beneficiary.

“It’s an honor and pleasure to work with Steve Wynn, who recently became vegan, and his incredible team of chefs,” Ronnen said, according to VegNews.


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If you run the vegetarian author book club in your neighborhood, your group is going to be busy!

Weird Al Yankovic has just released his long-awaited children’s book, When I Grow Up, a story about an 8-year old boy who hasn’t chosen a “major” yet in life, and has all sorts of wild stories about the potential careers he may attempt.

Jane Velez-Mitchell‘s Addict Nation tackles the serious adult issue of addiction to all things that feel good, but wreak havoc on our health.

Between the two veg authors, who would you rather…

Al Yankovic

Addict Nation Jane Velez-Mitchell

Who Would You Rather Do Veggie Burger Lunch With?

View Results

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Photo: PR Photos

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Dr. Neal Barnard Of PCRM Weighs In On USDA Guidelines

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, February 9th, 2011 in Food & Drink, Nutrition-Health-Fitness.

Dr. Neal Barnard

Dr. Neal Barnard

The USDA has recognized that a plant-based diet may help a few problems many Americans are facing, such as high blood pressure, bad cholesterol and abdominal obesity.

In a new set of guidelines, the US Department of Agriculture and US Department of Health and Human Services states: “Vegetarian-style eating patterns have been associated with improved health outcomes — lower levels of obesity, a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, and lower total mortality. Several clinical trials have documented that vegetarian eating patterns lower blood pressure.”

While that’s a step in the right direction, Dr. Neal Barnard, president of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, feels the government still is shying away from telling people what not to or at least limit eating–animal products.

“They’re not enough, but they are the best guidelines that have ever come out,” Barnard told Smart Planet. “They’re a step forward. The most notable thing is they use the world “vegan” for the first time. They devote two pages to vegetarian and vegan diets. And that’s very important.”


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Lyfe Kitchen–McHealth Food Via Ex McDonald’s Execs And Vegan Chef

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, February 9th, 2011 in Business, Chefs, Food & Drink, Restaurants.


Two former executives from McDonald’s have joined forces with celebrity chefs Art Smith and Tal Ronnen to create a menu for a new chain of healthy restaurants that will be very vegan-friendly, Lyfe Kitchen. The first Lyfe restaurant will open in Palo Alto, California this summer and the two hope to expand to 250 restaurants serving made to order cuisine like Panera Bread or Chipotle.

Faster food is the only vestige former McDonald’s President and Chief Operating Officer Mike Roberts and former communications boss Mike Donahue are bringing from their old establishment. Besides vegetarian and vegan options, there will be no fried food and every menu item will contain less than 600 calories.

No McHigh Fructose Corn Syrup, McButter or McCream is allowed either.


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Addict Nation Jane Velez-Mitchell

“You don’t need to torture a bunch of helpless rats to figure out fast food is addictive. Nevertheless, for those who feel the need to read research to verify the obvious, studies have now been done that show fast food, loaded with fat, salt and sugar, causes rats to behave as if they were hooked on heroin. As opposed to those fed the salad bar option who consume normally, rats fed a fast food diet will endure electric shocks, etc. to keep eating what they crave. When deprived of their fast food, they’d rather starve for days on end than eat the healthier options.”


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