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Slice Of Vegan Celebrity Birthday Cake To (Drum Roll)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Sunday, November 22nd, 2009 in Actors, Birthdays.

AFI FEST 2008 Screening Of "The Brothers Bloom" - Arrivals

A big slice of vegan birthday cake goes out to the following vegetarian or vegan celebrities today.

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Morrissey Insulted By Cursing Hamburger (Video)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Friday, November 20th, 2009 in Food & Drink, Male Singers, Videos.

Morrissey was recently in Hamburg, Germany when he made a joke during his performance that the residents should be called “Hamburgists” instead of “Hamburgers.”

Morrissey’s so into veg, he just can’t have his fans being called hamburgers, ya know?

Someone in the audience didn’t object to being a Hamburger and yelled, “F*ck you,” to Moz.

Morrissey then replied, “Go. We don’t need you, we don’t need you. You can leave, and you can f*ck yourself.”

The man was then reportedly escorted out the venue.

Oh, yeah.

Moz will kick you off the team for eating meat.

And will kick you out the venue if you like being called a burger.

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Slice Of Vegan Celebrity Birthday Cake To (Drum Roll)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Friday, November 20th, 2009 in Birthdays, Male Singers.

MTV's ''Ulalume'' Halloween Festival

A big slice of vegan birthday cake goes out to the following vegetarian or vegan celebrities today.

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Elizabeth Kucinich, John Salley Rally For Veg School Lunches

Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, November 19th, 2009 in Food & Drink, Politicians.

Dennis Kucinich & MPs Mark The 4th Anniversary Of Iraq War

Elizabeth Kucinich and politician husband Dennis Kucinich joined forces with ex NBA basketball player John Salley and members of the Physicians Committee For Responsible Medicine on Capitol Hill recently to  promote vegetarian school lunches to the Child Nutrition Act that is set for re-authorization this year.

Elizabeth is totally with Salley when it comes to veg school lunches, but don’t ask her to cheer for his former team.

“The only thing I have difficulty with is that you played wth the Detroit Pistons,” Elizabeth said. “As a Cavaliers fan, I take that personally.”

It’s okay, Liz. You can work it out over a tempeh sandwich.

Salley told students to lay off the meat and cheese in order to “stay healthy fit and ready to learn.”

Democratic representative Jared Solis noted that many school lunches contain high levels and fat and low levels and fiber and proposed a bill that would increase federal subsidies for non dairy vegetarian school lunches by 20% and permit non dairy beverages such as rice and soy milk to satisfy the milk requirement as long as they contain between 5 and 8 grams of protein.

“Because healthy habits start early in life, it is important for children to eat healthful foods at school,” Polis said.

“Making sure sure students across country have vegetarian and vegan options is a step in the right direction for improving the health of our next generation.


And no more mystery meat.

via cleveland.com

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Jane Velez Mitchell “iWant” Book Quotes On Vegetarianism

Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, November 19th, 2009 in Animal Issues, Books, Food & Drink, TV Hosts.


HLN anchor Jane Velez Mitchell devoted an entire chapter to vegetarians, AR issues in her book iWant.

As expected, some great quotes can be taken from the chapter, “Veganism/Animal Activism: I Want to Make a Difference.”

Here are a few that cover diet, animal welfare and the environment.

“The mutt in the shelter is just as good a dog and often healthier and smarter. Certainly, a mutt is less likely to be inbred.”

“By going vegan, the average American consumer can become a hero, sparing the lives of hundreds of animals every year.”

“Just as sobriety cleansed and elevated me, so did going vegan.”

“The vegan transformation I’ve experienced goes way beyond diet. It’s really allowed me to put my spiritual and moral concepts into action on a daily basis.”

“Switching to a vegetable-rich diet is also the single most important thing you can do for the environment.”

“If you want to run like a horse and not look like a house, switch to veggie burgers.”

“One day, humans will look back and view the treatment of animals in the early twenty-first century as barbaric and the mark of a primitive society.”


Only three more quotes needed before we have our very own Veg 10 Commandments.

Read more quotes and build your veggie motto from Jane’s wisdom at hcibooks.com.

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Meatless Mouthful: Nellie McKay Activism Icons

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, November 17th, 2009 in Female Musicians, Female Singers, Meatless Mouthful.

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“I like [deceased animal-rights activist and actress] Sandy Dennis. I like how both she and Doris Day not only fight for animals in a larger sense but also took them in at home. I was just looking at pictures of Billie Holiday and her dog. I like the thing, or at least the idea, of doing things for some other creature or person. It’s a very noble idea. I’m not sure it gets you anywhere, but I can kind of dig that domestic scene. I like how [comedian] Dick Gregory started out focusing on civil rights and became an animal-rights activist. I like how Alice Walker not only fights for civil rights and feminism – which is a difficult blend to pull off because it’s the whole divide-and-conquer thing; everyone’s always trying to pit activists against each other or make it seem like they’re fighting separate or conflicting battles – but she not only fights for civil rights and feminism but animal rights, too. It’s great.”

—-Nellie McKay, on her favorite activism icons, which of course, feature vegetarians, in an interview with headcount.org.

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Chris Christie New Jersey Governor Urged To Go Vegan By PETA

Written by Vegetarian Star on Monday, November 16th, 2009 in Food & Drink, Politicians.

Governor Elect Chris Christie defeats Governor Jon Corzine

People For The Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)  is chasing the pleasantly plump again, this time switching their target from women to politicians.

Chris Christie, governor of New Jersey, is the latest notable urged to go veg in hopes he will lose a few pounds that were sometimes in as much debate as his policies during the election.

Christie has been urged to go vegan for 30 days.

“The best thing that governor elect Christie can do to help himself, the environment, and animals on factory farms — and the best way for him to serve as an example to all New Jersey residents — is to go vegan, at least for 30 days,” PETA executive vice president Tracy Reiman said.

Going veg can be great for Christie, the animals and the environment, and we’re glad PETA chose to tastefully request the governor reconsider his dietary habits without making him the subject of ridicule.

With so much health related legislation (health care, school nutrition) being revamped, there’s no better time than ever for Christie to show his constituents how serious he is about making the Garden State the fittest in the 50.

via nypost.com

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Jonathan Safran Foer Huffington Post–Meat Farms Left Him Hangin’

Written by Vegetarian Star on Monday, November 16th, 2009 in Authors, Books, Food & Drink.

Jonathan Safran Foer "Eating Animals" Interview

Jonathan Safran Foer "Eating Animals" Interview

Eating Animals author Jonathan Safran Foer was interviewed by Kerry Trueman of the Huffington Post recently.

Jonathan did extensive research before writing Eating Animals, primarily investigating factory farms and the conditions that animals raised for food endure.

As expected, some farms wouldn’t let Jonathan past the front door.

A few excerpts:

KT: Did you have any real expectation that Tyson–the world’s largest processor and marketer of chicken, beef, and pork, as you note in your book–would agree to give you a tour of any of its farms?

JSF: To be honest, I did, because I know that they have “show farms”. All these companies have show farms. I thought I would at least get a response–you know, “Unfortunately, we won’t be able to show you the farms because of biosecurity, but we’d be happy to give you these brochures.”

The thing that really surprised me was the total lack of a response. I didn’t get anywhere with anybody.

KT: And now, of course, after the fact, the industrial livestock industry’s accusing you of not doing your homework, which is really funny, because when they had the opportunity to throw open the doors–

JSF: –Yeah, so let’s do it! Let’s do the homework now, it’s not too late! Seriously, I would be so happy to revise my book if they showed me something else. But they’re not going to show me anything.

You can at least do your homework on Jonathan by reading the entire interview at Huffingtonpost.com.

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