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NBC “Green Is Universal” “Green Week” Launches Today

Written by Vegetarian Star on Sunday, November 15th, 2009 in Environment-Eco-Green, Film & TV.

Green Is Universal NBC

Green Is Universal NBC

NBC’s third annual Green Week is on!

Designed to raise environmental awareness among NBC viewers, Green Week features television programs normally broadcast on the station incorporating green themes.

Looking at the schedule, there are a few shows that catch our eyes.

Tuesday night, The Biggest Loser will feature green training tips throughout the episode.

With vegetarian coach Bob Harper, and almost vegetarian but still fish eating Jillian Michaels, we’re crossing our fingers sustainable nutrition makes the tip list.

Top Chef on Wednesday will pay a visit to Top Chef Masters contestant Chef Rick Moonen‘s restaurant as the competitors take over Moonen’s eatery that serves organic and sustainable produce and seafood.

For the entire green programming lineup this week on NBC, visit greenisuniversal.com.

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Jillian Michaels “Fight Breedism” T-Shirt

Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, November 5th, 2009 in Animal Issues, Nutrition-Health-Fitness, Reality TV, TV Hosts.

Jillian Michaels Wears "Fight Breedism" T-Shirt

Jillian Michaels Wears "Fight Breedism" T-Shirt

Jillian Michaels is quite the multi-promoter.

The Biggest Loser coach was spotted sporting a PETA Fight Breedism t-shirt.

What’s even more cool is that Jillian is standing in front of a Subway restaurant–and highlighting healthier alternatives to fast food.

Jillian is almost veg–saying she consumes some fish here and there.

We’re crossing our fingers she’ll follow the lead of Biggest Loser co-star Bob Harper and go veg completely one day.

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If you’ve ever watched The Biggest Loser and wished you could have your very own personal Bob Harper cheering you on your fitness goals, here’s your chance.

Bob and The Grain Council are giving you the opportunity to win a trip to LA to see Bob and have a one on one training session with the nationally recognized fitness instructor.

Bob says everyone should have at least 6 servings of grains a day, with three of those being whole grains.

“One of the main things I tell people is that you’ve got to get your fruits, your vegetables and your grains every day,” Bob told Thatsfit.com. “Every morning I’m going to have my oatmeal; I’m going to have my fruits. For lunch I have brown rice and black beans. I always have Melba toast. Melba toast seems like an old lady thing to eat but I’m getting my servings of grain from that. Then dinner is always going be plenty of vegetables because I’m a vegetarian.”

Be an old lady like Bob and get yourself some grains!

Put whole grains like barley, brown rice, buckwheat, bulgur, millet, oatmeal and popcorn on your next shopping list.

And enter the Grain Council contest from now until October 27.

For more information on grains, visit gowiththegrain.org.

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“The Biggest Loser” Bob Harper Loves Barbecue Popchips

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, September 30th, 2009 in Food & Drink, Reality TV.

The NBC Universal Experience

The Biggest Loser coach Bob Harper interviewed with Never Say Diet, where he revealed what a typical day of his vegetarian diet consisted of.

Bob used to have a craving for chocolate, but since saying good-bye to the artificial sweeteners, it’s all about the Popchips now.

“I freakin’ love Pop Chips!” Bob said. “They come to my house and I’m like, Nicole [his assistant] get them out of my house! The barbecue flavor is my favorite.”

“They all know that I’m a vegetarian now. I tried to keep that under wraps for a while. It’s different for everyone, but I always try to hit three basic food groups and protein is number four in my book. I’m wanting people to get their fruits, vegetables and their grains and that to me is a well-balanced diet. Yes, your body needs protein, but it doesn’t need as much protein as everybody thinks it needs. I’m just trying to get people to eat their vegetables again. I’m like everybody’s father in America right now going “eat your vegetables.” It’s so sad that in 2009, people are still scared of carbohydrates. It’s sad that people are still thinking that you’re getting fat from eating carbs.”

To read the entire interview with Bob, visit neversaydiet.com.

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Bob Harper Pitches Biggest Loser Protein Powder

Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, September 24th, 2009 in Food & Drink, Reality TV.

2005 Summer NBC Television Critics Press Tour - Day 13

The Biggest Loser has inspired a host of products created after the hit reality TV show, including a cookbook, fitness DVDs, and protein powder.

Last episode coaches Bob Harper and Jillian Michaels did some shameless self promotion, promoting the Protein Powder and Food Journal, respectively.

As we told you before, Bob Harper became a big loser of cholesterol points when he went vegetarian and he tries to promote plant based diets on the show.

The protein powder is whey based, so that nixes it as an option for you vegan bodybuilders.

However, Sun Warrior Raw Vegan Protein Powder might be what Bob consumes should he decide to cut dairy and eggs from his diet.

The product description from veganessentials.com:

“At 85% pure protein, it is the first raw complete vegan, hypoallergenic superfood protein on the market. Not only does it taste superb, it blends exceptionally well and is very easy to digest. It digests so well that it has a 98% correlation rate to mother’s milk and a 98.2% digestion efficiency rating, making it one of the highest digestibility and efficiency ratings of any other protein source.”

Sun Warrior Protein Powder is available in chocolate and vanilla flavor.

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Gunnar Peterson, Celebrity Fitness Expert, Promotes Silk Soy Milk

Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, September 17th, 2009 in Business, Food & Drink.

3rd Annual Matt Leinart Foundation Bowling Night

Gunnar Peterson, a celebrity fitness trainer, has teamed up with Silk Soy Milk to promote the dairy free goodness drink.

“I encourage all of my clients to choose foods that satisfy their hunger and supply them with enough energy and fuel to get through a busy day,” said Peterson.

“Silk soymilk is one of the easiest ways to add protein into your daily diet. With nutrient-rich ingredients like whole harvested soybeans, it’s really a perfect protein for any time of the day.”

Peterson has worked with many professional sports players in the NFL, NBA, NHL and NCAA.

We’re not sure of Gunnar’s vegetarian status. Would it have been more suitable to have vegetarian Biggest Loser coach Bob Harper promote Silk?

“Soymilk contains all of the essential amino acids for optimum health and experts agree that soy protein is comparable to the protein found in dairy, meat and eggs,” Peterson added. “But, unlike many animal-protein sources, Silk is low in saturated fat and 100 percent cholesterol free.”


Now show us the soybean mustache, Gunnar.

via reuters.com

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Bob Harper Goes Vegetarian, Drops 100 Cholesterol Points

Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, August 6th, 2009 in Food & Drink, Reality TV.

The NBC Universal Experience

The Biggest Loser coach Bob Harper has officially announced he’s a vegetarian!

In the September ’09 issue of Vegetarian Times, Harper explains his motivation for doing so, which included reading Rory Freedman’s vegan diet and fitness book,  Skinny Bitch .

Bob said he tries to convince contestants on the reality TV show to eat as much plant based foods as possible during the weight loss competition.

I always bring up the option of a vegetable-based diet, which I call Diet A, and talk about the many easy ways to get protein, such as from beans, tofu, broccoli, and quinoa. For the contestants who insists they need their meat, I have Diet B, which is still very heavy on veggies.”

Bob said after going veg, his cholesterol dropped by 100 points!

Now, that’s a loser everyone can be proud of!

Pick up the latest issue of Vegetarian Times on the stands to read the entire Q & A with Bob.

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Who Would You: Jillian Michaels Or Bob Harper

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, August 5th, 2009 in Polls/Surveys, Reality TV, Who Would You.

Update: Bob Harper is now officially vegetarian! Read about how he dropped 100 points on his cholesterol in the September ’09 issues of Vegetarian Times.

Biggest Loser coaches Jillian Michaels and Bob Harper are not vegetarians-yet!

But we have a sneaky suspicion at least one of them is going all the way sooner or later.

Jillian has announced she’s given up almost all meat in her diet, with the exception of fish, in an effort to go green. And Bob just can’t stop Tweeting about vegan cheese and almond milk.

So between the two Biggest Losers stars who have a thing for the veg life, even if it’s part time, who would you rather…

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