Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful–Bob Harper Inspired By A Skinny Bitch

“I was at a friend’s house and it was right when Skinny Bitch came out. And she was like, “You need to read this book.” The title totally threw me off; I said, “I’m not reading some book that’s called Skinny Bitch.” But I took it with me on vacation and I was really interested and blown away by it at the same time.”

Bob Harper, in an interview with VegNews in the magazine’s November/December 2010 issue, on how he first became interested in going vegetarian. Never judge a book by its cover. Or name. For men like Harper who are a little taken aback by Skinny Bitch, the sisters in sassiness, Freedman and Barnouin, have conveniently written the male counterpart to Bitch, Skinny Bastard. And let’s not forget John Joseph will make men feel like little girls if they continue to eat meat after reading, Meat Is For Pussies.

Saving our men. One title at a time.

Photo: PR Photos

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