Quantcast Vegetarian StarHeather Mills’ Mighty Meatless Meals In Minutes Finally Here!

Farm Sanctuary's 2008 Gala

Update: The Mighty Meatless Meals In Minutes is rumored to have been the name of Heather’s presentation at the Viva! show, not the name of the food line.

Okay. So we’ve been waiting on Heather Mills for the past century to come around and give the name of her new vegan food range.

It’s April, but not April Fool’s Day folks, and the name of her range has actually been unveiled:

Mighty Meatless Meals In Minutes.

That’s quite a vegan mouthful to swallow.

Not only has Heather come forward with the details of her food range, but she’s giving a speech and cooking demonstration about it today in London.

She’ll be giving her ‘Get Healthy With Heather’ speech at the Vegetarian Roadshow, held at the Royal Horticultural Halls in London.

Looks like Mills’ may be following the footsteps of her ex husband, Paul McCartney, who called for Meat-Free Mondays.

“Heather has been developing a new meatless meats food range over the last few years to encourage people to replace meat at least once a week,” said an organizer of the Vegetarian Roadshow event.

It’s awesome that Heather’s bringing out another option for quick, vegan meals.

Can’t wait to see what’s on the old fish restaurant menu!

via monstersandcritics.com

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6 Responses to “Heather Mills’ Mighty Meatless Meals In Minutes Finally Here!”

  1. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Heather Mills’ Mighty Meatless … | OurBrownies.com Says:

    […] original here: Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Heather Mills’ Mighty Meatless … Tags: apr-16, barack-obama, business, carrie-underwood, chrissie-hynde, heather, heather-mills, […]

  2. quarry Says:

    So are these only available in the UK or are they coming to the US too?

  3. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Meatless Mouthful: Heather Mills Nuts, Hated By Everyone Says:

    […] Mills, in a speech given at a vegetarian show in London recently. Love her or hate her, Heather has certainly put her footprint in the media. And […]

  4. sissi Says:

    I bet you 100$ that it will flop who follows me?

  5. Mitch Says:

    Not sure. I’m hoping it won’t flop because I’d like to see another vegan food brand at the store.

    Just hope it will be available in the US and not just the UK.

  6. Heather Mills Vegan Eatery Proving Popular // ecorazzi.com :: the latest in green gossip Says:

    […] As the Vegetarian Star pointed out, earlier reports indicated that the line would be called “Mighty Meatless Meals in Minutes“. A mouthful, indeed! I guess we’ll see whether a separate meal deal comes out of this […]