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Russell Brand and Katy Perry finally tied the knot recently in a ceremony that was vegan, according to several sources around the web.

The animals are thankful they weren’t eaten, but according to Ecorazzi, they may have wanted a little peace in the early morning hours, as Russell and Katy’s after party may have violated noise ordinances.

After the traditional Hindu wedding, guests stayed in the nearby Ranthambore National Park. Some of the guests reportedly played loud music until 2:30 AM, which violates state mandated noise pollution laws as it disturbs the wild animals in the area.


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In an interview on The Leonard Lopate Show (the audio of which can be heard below), food author and flexitarian Mark Bittman shares a concern about getting sick from prepared, bagged produce that most of the public would naturally have after hearing of the outbreaks of illnesses over the years. Although he recommends a salad a day, he’s not so sure that salad should come from a bag.

“My only concern with the bagged stuff is whether or not it’s going to poison you or not. The convenience of cut up vegetables…what could be more convenient than that, as long as you’re not going to get salmonella from that. And I can’t answer that. I’d like to see our food safety system in a place where if people want to buy more conveniently prepared vegetables, they could do so without worrying about it.”

The convenience of bagged fruits and veggies have not come without consequence. There’s the occasional found frog leg in the frozen vegetables. The inedible glass pieces found in frozen peas. However, it’s usually contamination with e. coli or salmonella that leads to widespread sickness and fear of eating things good for you. Just when you thought it was okay to eat bagged spinach again, Consumer Reports recently conducted tests of 16 brands commonly found in stores and found, in the sanitation and contamination levels, there’s room for improvement.


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Apple Laptop Bags Go Vegan With Matt & Nat Designers

Written by Vegetarian Star on Monday, October 25th, 2010 in Business, Environment-Eco-Green, Fashion, Tech.

Matt & Nat Apple

Matt & Nat Apple

Apple Computers, ran by the vegan Steve Jobs and Matt & Nat handbags, a vegan company with faux leather bags and other accessories are together in a partnership that could not be any sweeter if it had taken place in Silicon Valley over vegan ice cream.


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Lisa Edelstein “House” Away From Home Isn’t Vegetarian Friendly

Written by Vegetarian Star on Monday, October 25th, 2010 in Actresses, Film & TV, Food & Drink.

As a vegetarian for 28 years, Lisa Edelstein has been through times when it was difficult to get something meatless while away from home. But who would have thought that in 2010, it would be hard to find something vegetarian on the set of House?

As Edelstein explained to Popeater, the producers of the show don’t have a large budget for food, and she often ends up bringing her own food to the set because “food is sort of crappy.”


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You know exactly who you are.

You never went vegetarian or vegan because you hated the taste of meat. The smell of Thanksgiving turkey still makes you salivate and walking past the steakhouse gives you fantasies that make you feel a bit naughty.

However, there’s no reason to feel guilty about a craving you never give into. And because you know there’s such an abundance of fake meat out there, you never will.


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Slice Of Vegan Celebrity Birthday Cake To (Drum Roll)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Saturday, October 23rd, 2010 in Birthdays, Male Singers.

A big slice of vegan birthday cake goes out to the following vegetarian or vegan celebrities today.

Photo: PR Photos

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Giveaway Grand Prize–Veggie Patch Spinach With Three Cheese Bites

Written by Vegetarian Star on Friday, October 22nd, 2010 in Business, Food & Drink, Giveaways.

For the final day of the Veggie Patch giveaway, we’re extending the deadline to enter through the weekend!

So from now until Monday Morning you may enter to win the grand prize of Veggie Patch’s Spinach with Three Cheese Bites.

These vegetarian snacks feature spinach mixed with ricotta, mozzarella and feta cheese, wrapped into a breaded crust. Containing absolutely no trans-fats, Veggie Patch Spinach with Three Cheese Bites also provide a good source of fiber, Vitamin A and Vitamin C.

To enter to win, you may do the following:

* For 1 chance to win, leave a comment on this post saying why you want Veggie Patch Spinach With Three Cheese Bites.

* For 2 chances to win, leave a comment on this post saying why you want Veggie Patch Spinach with Three Cheese Bites AND RT this post on Twitter (e.g. RT@vegetarianstar Giveaway Veggie Patch Spinach with Three Cheese Bites. If you’re Re-Tweeting this post, you must also include your Twitter handle in the comment. If you’re Re-Tweeting this post and you also want to win a coupon for Veggie Patch Spinach with Three Cheese Bites, you must leave a comment too.

Contest ends on Monday, October 25th and winners will be notified via email. Please check your spam box (cough, cough Yahoo users) because if you don’t respond in 48 hours, we’ll pick another winner.

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After nine years of vegetarianism, singer Sade has announced she has no problem eating Mary the little lamb.

“I hate to say this,” she said in an interview with All About Jazz, “but when I saw these lambs gamboling through the field and I started to salivate and I thought I should get to the tandoori shop quick before I pull a leg off one of the lambs. It’s weird. I just thought the natural thing to do right now was to eat meat. I went through the whole veggie period thinking that was a good thing, and maybe it was for that time.”

It’s funny how Sade thinks it’s “natural” to eat lamb, when raising the animal is actually quite an unnatural process.

Lamb is sheep meat that is less than a year old and most lamb arrives at the market around 6-8 months of age. Instead of weening for a normal time period, the babies are quickly introduced to a diet consisting of corn, barley and milo.

The animals are also sentient beings. According to the Humane Society, sheep remember and recognize faces of their flock after years of separation.

Photo: PR Photos

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