Quantcast Vegetarian StarTal Ronnen Brings LA Restaurant To Everyone In “Crossroads” Cookbook


Tal Ronnen has completed a new cookbook named after his LA restaurant, Crossroads.

A vegan chef who has prepared meals for almost every celebrity who’s expressed an interested in a plant-based diet offers ideas that are similar to what you’d find in his restaurant and definitely not what you’d find in the standard meat serving establishment that offers the salad plate for the vegetarian offering.

“Restaurants get it wrong all the time by serving fake meat that doesn’t interest meat eaters, or a vegan plate that’s little more than an uninspired pile of vegetables,” Ronnen writes in Crossroads.

“Some still fall into the trap of thinking that vegetables or legumes need to be disguised as meat in order to be palatable.”

Those not living in the LA area and without plans for a road trip will delight in gourmet vegan dishes made with Ronnen’s signature ingredient combinations, which often include creams made from nuts.

Ronnen’s work isn’t done with a few recipes and a restaurant. He’s also been a part of helping bring artisan vegan cheeses to natural foods stores.

“Every day it seems like there are huge strides being made and it’s fun to be part of a movement like that and really getting on the right side of history with food,” he said.

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