Quantcast Vegetarian StarMayim Bialik Celebrates Earth Day Every Day

Mayim's Vegan Table

Mayim Bialik and several other celebrities have shared how they plan to celebrate Earth Day.

Like other vegetarians and vegans, Bialik contributes to the health of the Earth 365 days a year.

“Being vegan, it’s sort of a tribute to the planet that we make all the time,” said the author of Mayim’s Vegan Table.

Reducing energy and lowering greenhouse gas emissions can all be accomplished by eating grains and vegetables instead of meat as the cost of using livestock to feed the planet is much more taxing the feeding people with plants.

In addition to feeding her family veg, Bialik avoids cleaning products with conventional chemicals and doesn’t use paper towels.

Find out how Carla Hall, Izabella Miko and Andy Richter honor Mother Earth at MNN.

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