Quantcast Vegetarian StarPaul McCartney Spanish “Glass Walls” Vegetarian Video Shown To Students


A Spanish version of Paul McCartney‘s Glass Walls narrated video was shown to a group of students at Los Angeles’ predominately Latino Roosevelt High School. The film illustrates what goes on behind the closed doors of the meat industry and encourages people to adopt a vegetarian diet.

Vegan and TV host Marco Antonio Regil was there to discuss veganism and present the video, which motivated 15 students to sign a pledge to go vegetarian that day.


Latina model and activist Vida Guerra once said in a PSA for vegetarianism for PETA that all too often meat is overemphasized on the plates of Latin families.

“That’s how most Latin communities are; they grow up just eating meat,” Guerra said, referring to her life growing up with a lot of meat in the household. “Most kids don’t know. You kind of do the same thing you’re parents do. And they don’t know, so it’s like a vicious cycle.”

“I believe that being a vegetarian can benefit, especially the Latin community, because we’re used to just eating meats.”

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