Quantcast Vegetarian StarAlicia Silverstone Gets “Plugged In” For Ford Focus Electric (Video)

Ford Motor Company has created a series of online reality competitions to celebrate the launch of its all-electric, 5-passenger vehicle, the Ford Focus Electric.

Plugged In features celebrity created challenges throughout different cities, with the star’s favorite hot spots included on the itinerary. Two-person teams must use the Ford Electric when visiting each stop on the hunt.

Alicia Silverstone was in charge of creating Plugged In’s San Francisco’s challenge and she chose both a vegan-friendly and animal charity spot for the contestants to visit.

Millennium Restaurant is where Silverstone chose to have a vegan chocolate cake catered for her wedding. Contestants are required to take a picture with the famous cake. Although it doesn’t look like they’re required to eat it, there’s a good chance they’ll use it to “fuel up” during the trip.

With a full belly of vegan chocolate cake, a stop by the Peninsula Humane Society in San Mateo should be all that’s required to convince the contestants that adoption is always better than buying from a store or breeder.

The winning team gets a brand-new Ford Focus Electric. And the opportunity to walk away with an appreciation of an animal-friendly lifestyle.

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