Quantcast Vegetarian StarStella McCartney Discusses Vegetarian Upbringing

Stella McCartney Discusses Vegetarian Upbringing

Written by Vegetarian Star on September 27th, 2011 in Fashion, Food & Drink.

Stella McCartney spoke to The Daily Beast about growing in the vegetarian McCartney family and how it’s inspired her life today.

“It began with my parents,” Stella said. “It’s more than just saying that we’re vegetarians. It’s a philosophy of how you conduct your life and time on the planet. We were quite a responsible family. One of the things I was taught growing up was, “Do unto others as you would have done to yourself.” So it’s not just about not killing cattle and “Meat-Free Monday.” It’s a way of life. But we’re not claiming to be perfect.”

Stella continues to promote the values she grew up with by refusing to use leather or fur in her fashion collections, sourcing sustainable materials when possible and donating a portion of sales from some of her fashions to the family’s Meat-Free Monday campaign.

Photo: PR Photos

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2 Responses to “Stella McCartney Discusses Vegetarian Upbringing”

  1. Brien Comerford Says:

    Accolades to the animal loving vegetarian McCartney’s that include Paul, Stella, Mary, James and the late but great Linda.

  2. John Says:

    My wife loves Stella’s clothing line. I try to buy her Stella McCartney clothes and handbags every once in a while for special occasions (since it’s so xpensive). Stella’s mother, Linda McCartney, was an amazing gal.

    Paul was so in love with Linda but ever since her death he has tried to find love again with the wrong kind of women. He goes for women much much too young for him who are only after his money. And after every failed relationship or marriage is over, the younger woman leaves him with a couple million less dollars.

    He’s now marrying again a gal young enough to be his own daughter. I believe she’s in her 30s and she’s around Stella’s own age. Not only is this incredibly icky but we all know how it will turn out. There’s no way she would be physically attracted to a man his age. Paul is a senior citizen. The only attraction here are his millions.

    Paul is blinded by his ego and his bride by her greed. She will waste a couple of years of her life with an old man and Paul will waste a couple of millions. He should find himself a real life companion who loves him for who he is and for his talent and charity work with animals.