Quantcast Vegetarian StarAngela Simmons Tempts Meat Sinners In PETA Vegetarian Ad (Video)

Angela Simmons PETA

The old story goes that some serpent approached a rather dumb woman and encouraged her to eat the wrong fruit and this destroyed all of humanity.

But history isn’t always accurate and a few think that snakey creature was actually trying to serve Eve a T-bone.

That would cause destruction of mankind and humanity.

Angela Simmons has posed in several shots for a PETA campaign for the vegetarian lifestyle and she could definitely convince more people to change their diets than a serpent.

The niece of the famous hip-hop entrepreneur, vegan activist and author Russell Simmons says she was enticed by the diet and lifestyle after hanging around her uncle.

“My uncle Russell Simmons–he’s been a vegan for a really long time and when I was younger…I kind of paid attention here and there. He let me watch a video that kind of threw me off. I was like, “I don’t want to eat any more meat.” At first I was really afraid of doing it…There’s protein in a lot of things. You can get your protein in a lot of stuff. And I’m happy with it.”

Catch the behind the scenes clip from the shoot and hear the rest of Angela’s interview below.

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