Quantcast Vegetarian StarKathy Freston Explores 21-Day Vegan Kickstart With Dr. Neal Barnard

Kathy Freston

Author of Veganist and other books that advocate eating a plant-based diet for better health Kathy Freston has interviewed Dr. Neal Barnard of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine on the organization’s 21-day vegan kickstart program.

The online tool features meal plans, physician tips, vegan celebrity commentary and much more to get you started on a diet free of animal products that will leave you, the animals and the planet feeling better.

The best part of all is that this coaching tool is free to anyone with access to the web.

Dr. Barnard says the site has signed up over 200,000 participants so far. Those enrolled have seen good results with their cholesterol levels, diabetes management and other health indicators.

Exactly what should participants of the program expect to see? Dr. Barnard explains.

We are going to jump into a vegan diet for three weeks. But because that sounds a little daunting, we will get you ready with recipes, restaurant and fast-food tips, and lots of information about how to plan healthy meals. So a few days ahead of time, you’ll get daily emails that walk you through it bit by bit.

Then, on Day 1 of the program, we’ll again detail what’s in and out of the program. What’s in are fruits, vegetables, whole grains and beans. And, what’s out are animal products — including meat, cheese, dairy and eggs. And that’s it.

Freston grills Dr. Barnard on the myths behind dairy, eggs and “lean” meats at The Huffington Post.

To get started on the 21-day kickstart program, visit the PCRM.

Photo: PR Photos

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