Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful–Tyler Florence On Getting Kids Hooked On Veggies

Tyler Florence

“The key is introducing veggies as early as possible. They won’t like everything so don’t give up if his first reaction to a new flavor is less than enthusiastic. You have to offer certain foods a few times, with varying degrees of success, to get a sense of what will go on the menu permanently. Roasting is also another great way to get kids to enjoy veggies. It works with everything: broccoli, green beans, brussels sprouts. Cut the vegetable into small, consistent pieces, drizzle on some olive oil and season with a touch of salt. Spread it on a rimmed baking sheet and put it in a 350-degree oven until it’s caramelized. The natural starches turn into sugars, which of course kids love!”

Tyler Florence, in an interview with Metro on how to get kids hooked on veggies. The Food Network chef is one omnivore that is definitely turned on to veggies. He has a line of natural, organic baby food with vegetarian options and is the host of the new series Great Food Truck Race that features a vegan food truck based in Orange County, California.

Photo: PR Photos

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