Quantcast Vegetarian StarKate Nash Turns Jamie Oliver’s “Ministry Of Food” Lasagna Vegetarian

There’s no shortage of vegetarian cookbooks out there, but if you happen to find a book designed for omnivores that looks interesting, a fun task to attempt might be to see how you can vegetize or veganize the recipes with substitutions.

Kate Nash loves Jamie Oliver‘s Ministry of Food and finds no problem in swapping Quorn faux meat for mince in the lasagna recipe.

“I chose Jamie’s lasagne as my favourite recipe because I love Italian food and this is a really easy recipe to adapt,” Nash told The Guardian. “In this recipe I swap mince for Quorn mince, use lactose-free cheese and spelt pasta and it still works.”

Nash said she likes Oliver because he has a mission to get people to eat well and she joined Twitter just to follow him.

“He really cares about getting people to eat properly. My mum gave me Ministry of Food for Christmas. I love it. All his books are good, but when you’ve followed his campaigning work on TV, this one means something. He just wants to use his power and position to help people. How amazing is that? I used to be afraid of Twitter but I joined so I could stalk his tweets. I want to be his friend.”

If you’d like to stalk Jamie with tomato sauced drenched fingers, follow him @jamie_oliver.

We’ll let you finish your meal before stalking Vegetarian Star @vegetarianstar.

Photo: PR Photos

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