Quantcast Vegetarian StarGZA–The Force Behind Wu-Tang Clan’s Vegetarianism

GZA–The Force Behind Wu-Tang Clan’s Vegetarianism

Written by Vegetarian Star on July 23rd, 2010 in Bands, Food & Drink, Male Singers.


GZA is one of the founding members of the hip hop group Wu Tang Clan. This leader is not only an entrepreneur, he’s also an activist–he convinced the rest of the guys to go vegetarian. GZA interviewed with Eater on his diet, the band and his favorite veggie restaurants to patronize.

It all started with pork:
Yeah, none of the Clan members eat pork but you only have about four of us that are vegetarians, including DJ Mathematics — RZA, GZA, MastaKilla and oh! I think Meth is vegetarian now too! Cuz I used to always get on him with his steaks. I used to say you “you eatin’ a pig pussy T-Bone?” He’d be like, “C’mon Jus, cmon, GZA, man stop!” And then about a year and a half ago he was like, “You know I’m a vegetarian now, right?” I heard Redman was one too now actually.

What times does he eat breakfast again?:
Yeah I used to LOVE breakfast! I cut a lot of it out, but I grew up as a breakfast person: eggs, grits, cheese. But cheese is so addictive, it’s hard! If I do eat cheese I try to keep it organic or locally grown so that it doesn’t have to travel as far. I don’t have one place in mind but yeah I used to eat it all the time — I’d be like having eggs, grits and veggie bacon at 3 in the morning every night.

Find out where GZA loves to eat in New York and Chicago at Eater.

Photo: Flowizm/Creative Commons

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