Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful–Olivia Wilde On Sexiest Vegetarian Celebrity Win

Olivia Wilde

“There are some seriously sexy vegetarians in this world (see: Prince). The kind folks at Peta recently asked their supporters to vote for their “sexiest Vegetarian celebrity” and today I learned I won that title, along with a dude who disproves the silly lie that Vegans cant be strong: Biggest Loser trainer, Bob Harper. I am really honored, and very inspired to continue living the vegan lifestyle that has been so good to my body, my animal friends, and the world we live in. So thank you, PETA, and thanks to all who voted for me!”

Olivia Wilde, reacting to being chosen as sexiest female vegetarian celebrity on her new website Wilde Things, which also contains information on veganism and animal issues.

Photo: PR Photos


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