Quantcast Vegetarian StarConstance Marie Baby Nursery 90% Green–Low VOC, Air Purifier

LOS ANGELES, CA - JUNE 07:  Actress Constance Marie (L) and her daughter Luna Marie attend A Time for Heroes Celebrity Carnival Sponsored by Disney, benefiting the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation, held at Wadsworth Theatre on June 7, 2009 in Los Angeles, California.  (Photo by Frazer Harrison/Getty Images for EGPAF)

Constance Marie says the nursery for 16 month old Luna Marie is 90% green.

“I am not perfect — 90 percent was all I could do. Every bit counts!” Marie told People’s Celebrity Baby Blog.

Marie is constantly looking for ways to make that 90% a 91, 92 or even higher by reading Greenopia, a one stop guide to everything green from household products, foods, pet products, jewelry and product ratings.

Marie’s main targets for greening the baby’s room included the paint, which was low or no VOC, the mattress–made with natural rubber, and clean air.

“The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has estimated indoor air to be 7-100 times more polluted than outdoor air,” Marie says. “Because all of our stuff — TVs, plastic, carpet, wood floors, computers, etc. — emits chemicals into the air that you and your babies breathe. Investing in an air purifier is a must! Unfortunately, it does nothing for bad breath, BO and poop smell.”

Consumer Reports has provided a guide to air purifiers, explaining everything from features, particles that are filtered and stores that carry particular brands.

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