Quantcast Vegetarian StarRussell Simmons Does Vegan At “Millions of Milkshake” (PHOTOS)

41558, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - Saturday June 12 2010. Russell Simmons launches the NOH8 milkshake at Millions of Milkshakes for the 40th LA Pride Anniversary in West Hollywood. Photograph:  Koi Sojer, PacificCoastNews.com More fabulous photos from Russell Simmons day at Millions of Milkshakes where he whipped up a vegan Oreo milkshake that will benefit NOH8 this week. The shake contains Oreo cookies, vegan vanilla ice cream, soy milk and chocolate powder. It does not contain milk, cream or any other dairy products or eggs, however, so it’s just as compassionate to animals as it is to Russell matching all sales of the shake this week to the GLBT awareness charity. 41558, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - Saturday June 12 2010. Russell Simmons launches the NOH8 milkshake at Millions of Milkshakes for the 40th LA Pride Anniversary in West Hollywood. Photograph:  Koi Sojer, PacificCoastNews.com

41558, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - Saturday June 12 2010. Russell Simmons launches the NOH8 milkshake at Millions of Milkshakes for the 40th LA Pride Anniversary in West Hollywood. Photograph:  Koi Sojer, PacificCoastNews.com 41558, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - Saturday June 12 2010. Russell Simmons launches the NOH8 milkshake at Millions of Milkshakes for the 40th LA Pride Anniversary in West Hollywood. Photograph:  Koi Sojer, PacificCoastNews.com

41558, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - Saturday June 12 2010. Lindsey Horvath, Jeff Parshley and Adam Bouska at the Russell Simmons' launch of the NOH8 milkshake at Millions of Milkshakes for the 40th LA Pride Anniversary in West Hollywood. Photograph:  Koi Sojer, PacificCoastNews.com 41558, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - Saturday June 12 2010. Russell Simmons launches the NOH8 milkshake at Millions of Milkshakes for the 40th LA Pride Anniversary in West Hollywood. Photograph:  Koi Sojer, PacificCoastNews.com

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