Quantcast Vegetarian StarJason Mraz Turning Avocado Farm Organic

Jason Mraz performs at the 27th annual ASCAP Pop Music Awards in Hollywood

Jason Mraz is about to turn his famous avocado farm organic.

During an interview with Hitflix, Mraz said, “The grove company has been [harvesting the groves], but we’re about to take over because we noticed over the past few years the helicopter would come by and spray the area and we’re done with that. So we’re kind of taking control and it’s been a lot of fun.”

Glad to hear it won’t be raining chemicals on the green fruit anymore.

The process of officially certifying a farm organic in the United States requires three years of no application of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides and GMOs.

Interested farmers should also take steps to ensure there won’t be any contamination from the adjacent, non-organic farm that still uses the helicopter to kill bugs.

Other requirements include the use of commercially available organic seeds not treated with prohibited synthetic materials like fungicides, and not using sewage sludge or irradiation.

It was the sewage sludge used as fertilizer that got the White House Garden’s designation officially changed from “organic” to just a regular garden.

Of course, if Jason’s not interested in an “official” status, it’s still great he and his neighbors will be using more environmentally friendly methods to grow avocados.

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