Quantcast Vegetarian StarAlyssa Milano’s “Romantically Challenged” Fake Vegetarian Needs Real Water Tips

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Alyssa Milano is a real vegetarian, but her co-star Josh Larson‘s character, Shawn, tried to fake being one to pick up a girl on a recent episode of Romantically Challenged.

Who knew vegetarian pick up lines existed?

Shawn was supposed to pick Perry up from the dentist, but instead he meets a chick and pretends to be the handsome meatless chap who knows how to solve the water crisis in India.

Perry is left dialing for a cab, talking from the one side of his mouth that’s operable.

If you’re going to use vegetarian points to snag the girl, at least arm yourself with some good facts about meat, plant crops and water, courtesy of Greenpeace.

  • “It can take up to 15 times as much water to produce animal protein as it does to produce protein from plants. According to author John Robbins in his book The Food Revolution, you could save more water by not eating a pound of California beef than you could by not showering for an entire year.”
  • “Livestock operations generate roughly 130 times as much bodily waste as the entire human population of the United States, which makes its way into the environment without going through the sewage treatment systems found in our cities and towns. This untreated waste pollutes American waterways more than all other industrial sources combined.”

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