Quantcast Vegetarian StarNicole Richie Organic Food Rules For Household

Nicole Richie Organic Food Rules For Household

Written by Vegetarian Star on April 9th, 2010 in Children, Food & Drink.

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Nicole Richie didn’t have a lot of rules growing up as a child, but she wants her household ran differently.

Most of Richie’s rules for daughter Harlow are about keeping her healthy, though.

According to Celebrity Baby Scoop, a friend told Life and Style, “Nicole is obsessed with doing everything she can to try to keep her children healthy and safe.”

One big rule is that the family eat organic.

From Celebrity Baby Scoop:

“The former Simple Life star even grows her own veggies in her garden to prepare salads and stir-fries for vegetarian fiancé, Joel Madden.”

For items she doesn’t grow in her backyard, Richie probably refers to resources like the Top Foods to Buy Organic, before shopping.

Is there any chance of Richie making a rule about eating totally vegetarian in the household?

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