Quantcast Vegetarian Star“The Biggest Loser” Jillian Michaels Praises Subway Choice

SELF Magazine Party Celebrating the July 2009 LA Issue

On a recent episode of The Biggest Loser, coach Jillian Michaels congratulated a contestant for a job well done when he ditched the vending machine snacks and opted for a veggie sub sandwich at Subway instead.

Biggest Loser contestants have some great support on the show.

Michaels is a pescatarian, while Bob Harper is totally veg!

Harper pitches a vegetarian diet to the contestants on the show, or at least one that’s primarily plant based.

“I always bring up the option of a vegetable-based diet, which I call Diet A, and talk about the many easy ways to get protein, such as from beans, tofu, broccoli, and quinoa,” he said. “For the contestants who insists they need their meat, I have Diet B, which is still very heavy on veggies.”

Diet A sounds like the best way to be the biggest winner!

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