Quantcast Vegetarian StarJonathan Safran Foer Grist December 2009

Jonathan Safran Foer Grist December 2009

Written by Vegetarian Star on December 2nd, 2009 in Authors, Food & Drink.

Jonathan Safran Foer. Credit: David Shankbone on Wikimedia Commons

Jonathan Safran Foer. Credit: David Shankbone on Wikimedia Commons

Best selling author Jonathan Safran Foer recently interviewed with Grist.

Foer discussed his latest book, Eating Animals, and touched on the hypocrisy of meat eating environmentalists, his own struggles of vegetarianism and the fact that he probably didn’t have Tofurky this past Thanksgiving.

A few highlights:

Will there always be a Tofurky on the Foer table during the holidays?
I don’t really get into the whole tofurky business.

On Environmentalists Who Don’t Push Going Veg:
No, they obviously haven’t [done enough], and they know it’s the elephant in the room. They haven’t because they fear that addressing it is going to risk losing people…This is the number one cause of global warming—and not by a little bit but by a lot. The most recently revised estimate was that animal agriculture is responsible for 51 percent of greenhouse gas emissions, so that’s more than everything else put together. If we’re going to seriously think about this stuff we might have to risk the discomfort.

On Fear Of Going Completely Vegetarian:
I would say don’t think about it as becoming a vegetarian. Think about it as a process of eating less meat. And maybe the process will end with eating no meat. But if Americans lose one serving of meat a week from their diet it would be like taking about 5 million cars off the road. That’s a really impressive statistic that I think might motivate a lot of people who feel they can’t become vegetarians to remove one serving of meat.

Read the entire interview with Jonathan at grist.org.

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