Quantcast Vegetarian StarHeather Mills Beef With Walkers Crisps

Heather Mills Beef With Walkers Crisps

Written by Vegetarian Star on November 23rd, 2009 in Celebrity Tweets, Chefs, Food & Drink.

Heather Mills Launches V-Bites Restaurant

There’s nothing worse than finding out your favorite snack isn’t all that vegan or vegetarian because the company has changed the recipe.

Heather Mills was less than pleased after discovering Walkers Crisps added dried milk to its salt and vinegar chips.

During a recent Tweet, Heather said:

“Just got off the train, most disappointed as Walkers salt and vinegar crisps have now added dried milk as an ingredient, yet they want to reduce their carbon footprint.”

“Never mind, eliminate lactose intolerant nibblers as well [as] vegans, does anyone know anyone at Walkers????”

Right on, Heather.

It’s always interesting to learn that companies put such non veg ingredients in seemingly vegetarian items.

Like beef broth in vegetable soup.

C’mon, now.

Do we really need to add animal ingredients to something so pure, delicious and healthy?

When it comes to veg food, manufacturers should follow the KISS policy–Keep It Simple Stupid.

via digitalspy.com

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