Quantcast Vegetarian StarAudrey Kitching Anticipates Vegan Tacos, “The September Issue”

Around Smashbox Studios - MBFW - Day 2

Audrey Kitching was recently making some tacos sin carne in her kitchen.

“Making home made vegan tacos and doing laundry in my gold glitter stilettos! I can not wait to see the September Issue when I get home!”

Given the fact that Audrey’s vegan, she might  have loved The September Issue fashion but probably doesn’t have a taste for Anna Wintour‘s fur fetish.

At any rate, for the hearty taco filling minus the fat, animal flesh, and cruelty, may we suggest Lightlife Smart Ground Taco and Burrito Variety.

It’s fat-free, certified vegan, with a combination of soy and wheat gluten to give 9 grams of protein per 70 calorie serving.

Grab some at your next shopping trip, along with your gold cooking stilettos.

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One Response to “Audrey Kitching Anticipates Vegan Tacos, “The September Issue””

  1. Melissa Says:

    Wow! I had no idea that Audrey Kitching is vegan. I want to make this dish in my home.