Quantcast Vegetarian StarBob Harper Pitches Biggest Loser Protein Powder

Bob Harper Pitches Biggest Loser Protein Powder

Written by Vegetarian Star on September 24th, 2009 in Food & Drink, Reality TV.

2005 Summer NBC Television Critics Press Tour - Day 13

The Biggest Loser has inspired a host of products created after the hit reality TV show, including a cookbook, fitness DVDs, and protein powder.

Last episode coaches Bob Harper and Jillian Michaels did some shameless self promotion, promoting the Protein Powder and Food Journal, respectively.

As we told you before, Bob Harper became a big loser of cholesterol points when he went vegetarian and he tries to promote plant based diets on the show.

The protein powder is whey based, so that nixes it as an option for you vegan bodybuilders.

However, Sun Warrior Raw Vegan Protein Powder might be what Bob consumes should he decide to cut dairy and eggs from his diet.

The product description from veganessentials.com:

“At 85% pure protein, it is the first raw complete vegan, hypoallergenic superfood protein on the market. Not only does it taste superb, it blends exceptionally well and is very easy to digest. It digests so well that it has a 98% correlation rate to mother’s milk and a 98.2% digestion efficiency rating, making it one of the highest digestibility and efficiency ratings of any other protein source.”

Sun Warrior Protein Powder is available in chocolate and vanilla flavor.

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3 Responses to “Bob Harper Pitches Biggest Loser Protein Powder”

  1. Jack Says:

    As someone who has used protein powders to supplement as an athlete, I can tell you that plant powders are 10xs better than using whey and 100xs better than meat sourced.

    The plant leave your gut feeling clean, instead of bloated.

  2. Ashley Says:

    I don’t use protein powders, so I can’t comment on that, but damn – when they push their products, it’s uncomfortable to watch.
    I especially hate when they pull the contestants into it. It’s supposed to look natural, but it’s horrible. LOL

    But, it helps pay for the show so it’s not going to stop. lol

  3. M Says:

    If they start promoting vegan foods on there, then I won’t complain!

    I don’t use protein powders that are meant for weight lifters, but I do have some for breakfast shakes from time to time.