Quantcast Vegetarian StarWho Would You: Jillian Michaels Or Bob Harper

Who Would You: Jillian Michaels Or Bob Harper

Written by Vegetarian Star on August 5th, 2009 in Polls/Surveys, Reality TV, Who Would You.

Update: Bob Harper is now officially vegetarian! Read about how he dropped 100 points on his cholesterol in the September ’09 issues of Vegetarian Times.

Biggest Loser coaches Jillian Michaels and Bob Harper are not vegetarians-yet!

But we have a sneaky suspicion at least one of them is going all the way sooner or later.

Jillian has announced she’s given up almost all meat in her diet, with the exception of fish, in an effort to go green. And Bob just can’t stop Tweeting about vegan cheese and almond milk.

So between the two Biggest Losers stars who have a thing for the veg life, even if it’s part time, who would you rather…

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