Quantcast Vegetarian StarBrendan Brazier Wants $35 Hamburgers

Brendan Brazier Wants $35 Hamburgers

Written by Vegetarian Star on May 13th, 2009 in Athletes-Games-Sports, Food & Drink.


Triathlete and ultra-marathoner Brendan Brazier took a break from mixing up his own invented vegan protein shakes and baking his nutritional bars to talk to the Vegetarian Times.

Brendan has testified before Congress about health and nutrition on more than one occasional and thinks we need to make healthy, plant based food less expensive and more convenient. 

Although it’s much cheaper and easier to fill up on beef jerkies, boxed fried chicken, and soda pop if you’re on a budget, there’s one way to make it easier to afford healthy food-just jack the price of crappy food up.

“Meat and dairy are highly subsidized,” Brendan said. “A hamburger could cost $35 to produce but only cost $1.50 at a fast food restaurant because of farm subsidies. I’ve been advocating for a system where meat would cost more and local organic fruit and vegetable growers could get subsidies to bring their price down.”

A $35 hamburger would probably turn 90% of the world at least part time vegetarian. Now how about a $35 chicken leg?

Pick up the May/June issue of Vegetarian Times to read the entire interview with Brendan.

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3 Responses to “Brendan Brazier Wants $35 Hamburgers”

  1. Loralei Says:

    Amen to that! I am so sick of paying twice as much to buy my organic produce and veggie burgers and soy milk when my cheap meat eating friends can get their needs taken care of at the local discount grocery.

    I never compromise-just re-adjust my budget when prices get outrageous during certain times of the year.

    Vegetarian items need to be cheaper than meat. Enough said.

  2. Teresa Says:

    I’m right there with you Brendan! Why the hell should it be cheaper to eat the flesh of a living, breathing, feeling creature, than it is to eat a head of lettuce? There is something seriously wrong with this picture!

  3. eric Says:

    totally true. but funny thing is my fridge looks twice as full with healthy food for about the same price as a steak ! 🙂 and thats not even sale price. so think of it 35$ for a single steak or you can buy big bag of apples, some bags of frozen fruit, several large containers of mixed greens and in most cases comes to less than 35$ . so all in all nutrition saves money more than junk food .