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The Jane Goodall Institute will benefit from these cute, plush toys from miYim.

The company has designed a pink hippo, yellow lion and gorilla for the Jane Goodall Wild Animal Collection, which features endangered species.

Crafted from cotton that is not treated with bleach and colored using only plant and mineral-based dyes, the collection is gentle to the environment, as well as kids’ (and adults’) health.


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Surfer Anastasia Ashley was recently featured on MTV’s World of Jenks, a documentary that explores the lifestyles, views and careers of different people.

Ashley is a vegetarian who’s done a PETA ad for the diet and lifestyle, Ocean Creatures are Too Beautiful to Kill.

World of Jenks followed her as she prepared for the 2010 US Open of Surfing in August.

“I always felt tired when I used to eat meat—I got sick of that,” Ashley explained to Peta2 during an interview. “Also, I wanted to start a serious training/nutritional program for my surfing competitions. I tried it out (not eating meat) and loved it—I felt so healthy and energetic. I’ve never looked back since!”


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Mark Bittman–Tofu Tastes Better Than Chicken

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, October 27th, 2010 in Authors, Books, Food & Drink, Recipes.

The “would you rather have..” questions are always fun, and author known for his “vegan until 6PM” philosophy Mark Bittman was given a series of questions by Philadelphia Magazine’s Be Well Philly on which food he would choose over another.

Watch out pork industry.


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Daniella Monet PETA Anti-Dissection Ad And The App For That (Video)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, October 27th, 2010 in Actresses, Animal Issues, Children, Tech, Videos.

Daniella Monet PETA

Daniella Monet PETA

Daniella Monet recalls the day she had to dissect an animal in class.

“The one memory I have, as far as dissecting goes, is in elementary school. I cried—a lot—and I was actually sent to the nurse’s office, and I used the phone to call my mom and say that I couldn’t do it.”

“It’s gross. It’s sad. I do think teachers should provide an alternative…And if kids stand up for themselves … it’ll definitely make a world’s difference.”

Hoping other adolescents won’t go through the same experience, Monet is posing in this PETA ad titled, “I Choose Not To Dissect.”

If you’re looking for an alternative to dissect for yourself, your child or students, you should know…there’s an app for that!

The Frog Dissection application by Emantras Inc. gives the educational experience of science class minus the guts and flesh of a real animal and having to fight with your ethics or the school board on making the decision to dissect.


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Art Smith and Tal Ronnen

Art Smith and Tal Ronnen

Chef Art Smith was personally invited to cook for the Dalai Lama this past weekend in Toronto at a VIP guest luncheon hosted by The Canadian Tibetan.

Chef Smith served Southern Fried Vegan Chicken with Local Greens and Apple Cobbler with Buttery Short Crust, Whipped Cream and Candied Spiced Pecans.


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Slice Of Vegan Celebrity Birthday Cake To (Drum Roll)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, October 27th, 2010 in Actors, Birthdays.

A big slice of vegan birthday cake goes out to the following vegetarian or vegan celebrities today.

Photo: PR Photos

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There Is No Such Thing As A Vegan Chart

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, October 26th, 2010 in Animal Issues, Food & Drink.

No Such Thing As A True Vegan

No Such Thing As A True Vegan

Think you’re a vegan?

Perhaps, in the strictest sense, you’ll reconsider after looking at this chart, which proves how hard it is to avoid animal products in our lives without extensively researching everything we use on a daily basis.

After reviewing possible animal ingredients in food and cosmetics, have you checked your air filters and wallpaper for cow-derived products? Is the plant-based item still okay if it grew in manure-enriched fertilizer? Should you pick another sport besides tennis if you can’t find a racket with vegan strings?

These are just items from a cow, by the way. Pigs, birds and fish creep into a vegan’s life at the most inconvenient times too.

How do you cope with the omnipresence of animal products in everyday items and is there a point where you draw the line and say “enough, I’ve done what I can?”

via Good.is

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Yeo Valley Raps About Organic Milk (Video)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, October 26th, 2010 in Business, Food & Drink, Videos.

Now that Vanilla Ice is into vegetarian and more sustainable eating, he might consider resurrecting his rap career by busting rhymes in favor of organic products, like Yeo Valley (and yes, pronounced “Yo Valley”) Organic in the UK has done to promote its organic dairy.

Featuring sexy, pasture fed cows, good looking gents and an attractive female doing a solo, this Yeo Valley commercial promotes organic milk like it’s the new bling.

Lyrics like, “I’m rollin’ in my Massey (a type of tractor) on a summer’s day/chugging cold milk while I’m baling hay” and “approach is common sense/harmony in nature takes precedence,” explain Yeo Valley’s business principles in a catchy, hip-hop manner.


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