Quantcast Vegetarian StarTheo Rossi Of “Sons Of Anarchy” Defends Street Dogs For Humane Society

Theo Rossi Humane Society International

Theo Rossi of the FX series Sons of Anarchy has joined forces with Humane Society International and the Humane Society of the United States in a fight to defend and protect street dogs.

The actor who portrays Juan Carlos “Juice” Ortiz stands proudly with companions Sasha and Rocco in an ad that reads: “Be A Street Dog Defender.”

Shot by celebrity photography team JSquared, the ad goes on to read:” Millions of street dogs face abuse such as poisoning, electrocution and shooting.”

“Be a part of the solution.”

“With three rescue dogs of my own,” Rossi says in a video for the campaign, “I can tell you there is no love like the love of a dog.”

Rossi, along with the HSI and HSUS, hope to bring attention to the 300 million dogs in the world that live on streets. The two animal welfare groups work with countries across the globe to bring preventative care and treatment to the animals, as well as help educate on how these dogs can live with the populatons.

For more information, visit the Humane Society.

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