Quantcast Vegetarian StarJon Bernthal Of “Mob City” Does Humane Society PSA

Jon Bernthal Of “Mob City” Does Humane Society PSA

Written by Vegetarian Star on December 18th, 2013 in Actors, Animal Issues.

Jon Bernthal Humane Society

Jon Bernthal, star of TNT’s Mob City, wants real-life thugs to know that animal neglect and abuse is not only cruel, it’s punishable by the same code that gets those who run the neighborhood without scruples thrown in the slammer.

The actor is starring in a new PSA for the Humane Society of the United States letting everyone know that “Cruelty to Animals is a Crime.”

“Always report suspected abuse,” the ad, which features Bernthal and his partners against animal crime Boss and Venice.

“There is no excuse for animal cruelty,” says Bernthal. “Animals are among the most vulnerable beings on this planet. That’s why I am urging everyone to speak up if they see or suspect cruelty; don’t expect that someone else will.”

If the mob doesn’t take out animal abusers, local law enforcement authorities will.

According to the Humane Society, every state in the U.S. has laws against animal cruelty.

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