Quantcast Vegetarian StarAriana Grande Goes Vegan

Ariana Grande Goes Vegan

Written by Vegetarian Star on November 7th, 2013 in Actresses, Celebrity Tweets, Female Singers, Food & Drink.

Ariana Grande

Her name reminds you of a coffee shop drink and now she’ll be asking for soy milk in hers when she orders one.

Ariana Grande has made the announcement she’s gone completely vegan!

In a recent Twitter update, the singer posted:

“I’ve eaten organically since I was little and always kept meat minimal but today marks my first day as a 100% Vegan!!!! Joyous day”

When it comes to preparing plant-based meals in the kitchen, Ariana already has an advantage.

The singer and actress told Complex she grows produce in her own garden and has recently experienced success with some spicier plants.

“I do like garlic. I can have garlic if it’s raw and organic. I have my own garden in my backyard. I harvested jalapeños from my garden for the first time the other day.”

Congratulations to Ariana on her new vegan adventure.

Hopes she has lots of delicious fun and stays on the course!

Photo: David Shankbone/Creative Commons

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