Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Monday Recipe–Ingrid Hoffmann Mojito Sweeties Mash


Latin cuisine makes for great vegetarian cuisine.

There are several Latino celebrities who promote the plant-based lifestyle, as well as cookbook authors who offer delicious twists on ethnic foods sin carne.

Ingrid Hoffmann can be seen on the Cooking Channel’s Simply Delicioso and Univision’s Delicioso.

She’s offering a few tips for a more health-conscious Thanksgiving, and while her entire menu is not vegetarian, she’s got great ideas for side dishes to go with your Tofurkey.

Her Mojito Sweeties Mash will liven up any holiday dinner, replacing traditional mashed potatoes with mash containing a little extra kick.

These mashed potatoes made from sweet potatoes are meant to give the experience of a mojito, but contain fewer calories and fat you’d find in a similar casserole.

Grab the recipe for mojito sweeties mash, think how you would vegify the Cumin and Yogurt Roasted Turkey Breast with Tamarind Sauce (Gardein faux chicken, anyone) and read more at On Tap.

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