Quantcast Vegetarian StarFreida Pinto Celebrates Birthday With Vegan Red Velvet Cake

Freida Pinto Celebrates Birthday With Vegan Red Velvet Cake

Written by Vegetarian Star on October 22nd, 2013 in Actresses, Food & Drink.

Freida Pinto

What’s a better way to spend a birthday?

With friends or with vegan cake?

Why not both?

Actress Freida Pinto posted several photos to her Instagram account to share with her fans her 29th birthday experience, which included dairy-free and egg-free cake.

For the caption of the photo showing herself blowing out the candles, Pinto made sure everyone knew what kind of cake she received.

“RED Velvet Vegan Birthday cake!”

Oh, and let’s not forget the friends part of the event.

Pinto’s significant other Dev Patel was attended the festivities, and the couple was later joined by several other friends at Hollywood’s Roosevelt Hotel.

It’s not known who the fabulous chef or bakery was that provided the cake.

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