Quantcast Vegetarian StarLisa Rinna Ate Vegan Like Mary Lou Henner During “Celebrity Apprentice” (Video)

Lisa Rinna had the perfect strategy for taking over the competition in Celebrity Apprentice.

Eat as vegan as possible.

Or at least do what Mary Lou Henner does.

“Mary Lou’s a strict vegan. When I came on the show, I thought, “How am I going to eat?” Last time there was no food and there was no water and we were all mad all the time,” Rinna said.

“I’m going to become a vegan a month before I go and I’m just going to eat everything Mary Lou does.”

Rinna said this was the best strategy to ensure she’d have the most nutritious food on the set, giving her the energy she needed to impress the clients and the Donald. Rinna figured that because of Henner’s strict diet, she have every vegan cafe mapped, catering company on speed dial, and the tip jar already filled for the delivery boy.

Apparently Rinna’s idea worked.

“I got fed so well. Mary Lou and I had more energy and were more healthy than anybody because we’re running on the cleanest, purest food. So that’s where I was probably smarter than anyone in my strategy. I just said, “Feed me like Mary Lou.”

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