Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Monday Recipe–Mark Bittman One Pot Pasta

VB6 Mark Bittman

Cooking can be a task in itself.

Cooking vegan can be even more difficult, especially if there are multiple steps requiring multiple different cooking techniques.

Frying, sauteeing, roasting, baking–wouldn’t it be great if everything could be done in one pot?

If you’re making Mark Bittman‘s One Pot Pasta from his latest cookbook Eat Vegan Before Six, you’re in luck.

Dry pasta is cooked a little differently in this recipe.

Instead of boiling it before adding it to the vegetables, it is added to the sauteed vegetables before adding water and stock to tenderize it.

It’s not only a tasty and convenient way to make dinner or lunch, but a great way to save on washing dishes when you’re done.

To save even more time, use already cooked or leftover vegetables–just don’t add them to a second pot!

Grab the recipe for Bittmans’ One Pot Pasta here.

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