Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Monday Recipe–Matisyahu Tempeh Reuben


Matisyahu last made the vegan news with a declaration of his love for greens.

“I feel dark green vegetables are really important, so every day i try to have some type of dark greens, whether sauteed or grilled or steamed, or in a juice,” he told Vegetarian Times.

Potatoes wouldn’t be the same without the (faux) meat, and a reuben sandwich with tempeh can be made even healthier by substituting greens for the fries.

Paste Magazine has several vegan recipes from celebrities like Alicia Silverstone, Nelly McKay and Chrisette Michele.

Matisyahu’s recipe for vegan tempeh is included in the batch.

Another soy product, tempeh tends to be firmer than tofu, with more protein per serving.

One of Matisyahu’s sandwiches gives you a whopping 40 grams of protein, leaving no room for excuses from those that claim a “veggie” sandwich is for the weak and puny.

Visit Paste Magazine for Matisyahu’s recipe.

Photo: Jrupry1/Creative Commons

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