Quantcast Vegetarian StarBrit Marling To “Glamour” On Vegan Dumpster Diving

Brit Marling

Brit Marling, actress, writer and producer of The East spoke with Glamour magazine about some of her adventures that are no so Hollywood.

Screen geniuses get their inspiration from a variety of settings, and for one of her films, she and another writer traveled across the country to get a feel of what it’s like to live free and unconventionally–even when it comes to finding your food.

Marling told Glamour:

“We wanted to have a summer adventure. We learned to train-hop and Dumpster dive, which sounds gross, but I actually made restaurantworthy vegan meals out of food from a Dumpster. My whole perspective on the world shifted, and I came back wanting to tell stories about the experience.”

If only someone could create a vegan dumpster diving directory like the ones for veggie friendly restaurants.

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