Quantcast Vegetarian StarStephen Harper Canadian PM Loves His Cats Stanley And Gypsy

Canadia PM Stephen Harper and Cats

The Canadian Prime Minister loves his cats!

When asked by a Canadian resident to discuss his four-legged family members, Stephen Harper responded in a letter that gave great details about each feline’s personality.

“Stanley is a grey tabby and is two years old. Gypsy is the wise old cat of the house and is almost nine,” Harper wrote in a letter that was posted to the social sharing site Reddit.com.

Gypsy enjoys “hunting down mice around 24 Sussex,” Harper’s official residence, while Stanley likes to “chase anything, as long as he…gets to play.”

A photograph of Stanley was included with the letter because he is the only cat who likes the spotlight.

Gypsy, on the other hand, “has no patience for it.”

View the entire letter here.

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