Quantcast Vegetarian StarGoo Goo Dolls Mike Malinin Enjoys Vegan Obama Inauguration Trip

Goo Goo Dolls

Goo Goo Dolls’ drummer Mike Malinin did more than play politics when he attended the recent Obama inauguration.

Malinin took time to visit several vegan hot spots in the D.C. area.

He wrote a guest article at VegNews magazine giving all the delicious details of noshing on vegan Asian meals, veggie brats and dairy-free coffee beverages.

Malinin started his veggie adventures at one of the best diners in the world to eat–his family’s home.

From VegNews:

9:30am: My sister has been a vegetarian for years, so I enjoyed breakfast at her house. I kept it simple, with an organic banana, black coffee, and a bagel with Tofutti vegan cream cheese.

12:00pm: My brother-in-law was able to join us at this point for a feast of vegan pancakes with blueberries and strawberries. Delicious. I need to get the recipe!

Learn about Malinin’s vegan shrimp experience as well as he meeting with a rep from a D.C. area animal advocacy group at VegNews.

Photo: Hereisgone/Creative Commons

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