Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Monday Recipe–Martha Stewart Vegetable Stock

Meatless Martha Stewart

It’s time for a meatless encore!

If you sampled Martha Stewart‘s Baked Eggplant With Seitan last week and are looking for more veggie dishes from the domestic diva, perhaps it’s time to make your own soup with Stewart’s Vegetable Stock.

In addition to the eggplant seitan recipe, you’ll find the ingredients for this broth in Stewart’s first completely vegetarian cookbook, Meatless: More Than 200 of the Very Best Vegetarian Recipes.

There’s nothing worst than reading a can of vegetable soup only to find chicken or beef stock as one of the ingredients.

Homemade vegetable stock not only ensures you’re eating a completely plant-based product, but puts a little fun in cooking soup and other dishes where stock is needed, as you’ll chop several aromatic and flavorful vegetables up, allowing nature to season your broth.

In the case of this stock, you’ll be using hearty and pungent vegetables like leeks, onions, carrots, garlic, as well as fresh herbs like thyme and parsley.

Ready for a true vegetable soup with real veggie stock?

Grab the recipe for Stewart’s Vegetable Stock from Meatless today.

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